LadySophy voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Start-up Advice from a Successful Female Entrepreneur

Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Startups
From 4468 days ago
Made Hot by: crystalx72 on June 27, 2012 4:55 am
Ginger Aarons of Time Travel Tours shares her expertise from being in business for over 20 years giving some great advice to start up businesses too. Read More
Museum of Brands, Packaging and Advertising London. A time tunnel journey from Victorian Britain to today of design and packaging. Read More

Four Steps To Reinventing Your Business

Avatar Posted by ScottDudley under Online Marketing
From 4468 days ago
Made Hot by: GClatworthy on June 27, 2012 10:07 am
It has been several years since you first successfully started your business. You invested the necessary funds, and with a little help from family...... Read More
Do you trust people? Do you think people trust you? If you are a leader and your answer to the second question is no, or you are not sure, you have a big problem.  A leader without the trust of the people he/she leads is doomed to failure. Breaking Trust in Your Leadership Ability The [...] Read More

Play It Safe | M4B Marketing

Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From 4468 days ago
Made Hot by: JimmyJams on June 28, 2012 4:42 am
May seen like a sensible idea. Especially your competitors market their products or services in the same way. However you could end up as a sheep and not enjoy the success you desire. Read More
When asked if they have a relationship development strategy, many entrepreneurs a. leave much to serendipity and haphazardly build (and lose) connections; b. say it’s important, yet then claim they don’t have time; or c. scoff that networking and socializing take away from the “real work." Read More

How to focus in a world of marketing magpies

Avatar Posted by Robert Peters under Marketing
From 4469 days ago
Made Hot by: jamiesteinberg on June 28, 2012 4:55 am
Are you a marketing magpie?

In this guest post at Marketing Donut I explain why it's bad to be a marketing magpie, always on the look out for new ideas, and how to avoid it. Read More

6 Things To Look For When Hiring A Digital Marketer

Avatar Posted by nialldevitt under Online Marketing
From 4469 days ago
Made Hot by: maplesummit on June 27, 2012 3:29 pm
Are you are looking to hire a digital / online marketer for your company? Here are some tips to help you select the right CVs for your interview shortlist … Read More
If a tree falls in the forest and... well you know the rest.

Back before everyone used the internet, if you needed to find a plumber you would refer to the yellow pages.

How things have changed.

Read on to learn how to be found online- the right way! Read More
Telecommuting and virtual offices are now facts of life for a significant number of small businesses. This relatively new development however, brings challenges you won't find in a traditional office setting.

Read on to learn how to best manage employees in a virtual office setting! Read More

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