LivFreeLivRich voted on the following stories on BizSugar

As with many digital tactics, there's always someone proclaiming the imminent death of email marketing. It's "Killers" are said to include social media, instant messaging, mobile apps, and spam. However, it's still here, it's growing and the following data can prove it. Read More
After completing your e-book, the difficult part will be over, and you will have created an everlasting asset you could add to your paper income stream. Read More

How to get 500 followers on Twitter in 1 Month

How to get 500 followers on Twitter in 1 Month - Avatar Posted by muhammadsaad under Social Media
From 3726 days ago
Made Hot by: seobromino on April 29, 2014 7:53 am
Learn how Cloudways community manager grown his Twitter following from nil to 500 in less than a month. Read More
While most people involved in social media are working hard to grow their own follower count and increase their own numbers I feel it is equally as important to find and connect with those that share your interests. Read More
Happy 40th, National Volunteer Week.

Endorsed and supported by President Obama, Congress and other national and state leaders, National Volunteer Week... Read More
Your home office should convey a certain level of professionalism, even if you don’t normally get dressed for work. Read More
The famous acronym, “click- through rate“, can be considered a nightmare by some advertisers, but there are several ways to improve it.

In 2012 AdGooroo, a consulting company on the web, has analyzed 20 million of paid advertising on the internet in the USA with the aim of identifying the key f Read More

Are You Pushing Your Readers Away?

Are You Pushing Your Readers Away? - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Marketing
From 3727 days ago
Made Hot by: NanoTechnologyMedia on April 18, 2014 7:55 am
Many people take on a new persona when they write for business. They stop thinking like themselves and try to think "business" when choosing their words. So how do you ensure you're not doing this when you're writing? Read More

Interview with the Guy Behind the $240,000 Social Network

Interview with the Guy Behind the $240,000 Social Network - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Startups
From 3727 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on April 18, 2014 7:31 pm
He founded Decate at age 18, and grew it into Norway’s most active social network with 72,000 users and a revenue of 240k USD at a 92% profit margin within 4 years. Read More

Simple Ways to Manage Content Creation

Simple Ways to Manage Content Creation - Avatar Posted by lyzcano under Online Marketing
From 3727 days ago
Made Hot by: LivFreeLivRich on April 17, 2014 7:50 pm
The process of content creation isn’t easy. From creating optimized blog posts, to sending personalized and segmented emails, to publishing content on social media (and the list goes on), one can easily sabotage the process in the magnitude of other business related functions. Take a read at how a Read More

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