LivFreeLivRich voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Is health insurance technology an answer to employers’ prayers? Will technology convert apathetic individuals into active participants in their health care decisions? Health insurance technology attempts to simplify the complex. Is it succeeding? Read More
What does SEO competitor analysis look like? Here is a run-down, along with screenshots – literally what it looks like. Read More
Social media is a great tool, but needs to be treated with caution as there is a lot that can be compromised if your business has lax policies. Be prepared and be aware of how to keep your social accounts safe. Read More
Last summer, Twitter shared their newest version of Twitter Cards. Many people who follow social media news closely have suggested that the launch directly challenges Facebook’s in-app mobile ads. As a media-rich twist in the social media landscape, Twitter Cards are being used by brands like Price Read More
Hiring is one of the most important things businesses need to do but it’s a daunting task. Each new hire has a tremendous impact on the company‘s culture and workforce. Moreover, there’s a cost associated with every hire and that cannot be ignored. If a candidate is found to be unfit for a role a m Read More
Looking for some serious alternatives to eBay in order to buy or sell your goods? Here are 20 of the best and most popular eBay alternatives for those who are fed up with the popular online marketplace and want to take their business elsewhere. Read More
A lot of bloggers choose to avoid popular or crowded niches due to a lot of competition for exposure. I tend to do the opposite, and this blog post looks at 8 different reasons to love blogging in crowded niches. Read More
The way people watch TV shows today has changed. Many no longer watch commercials. Perhaps that's a good thing. But there have been some very memorable commercials over the years - we highlight a few. Read More
There are a lot of different ways to make money either directly or indirectly from a blog, but using a blog to promote services is often an overlooked option. When it comes to the subject of blog monetization things like advertising sales, AdSense, affiliate marketing, and even product sales tend t Read More
Don't let the label distract you from the goal, good-selling, every other label is there to sell you something, not help you sell better. Read More

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