LivFreeLivRich voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Do you want to make money blogging? Then ask yourself how much you want to earn. Because the answer to this question will decide if you will really be able to be a successful blogger. It’s easy to start blogging. But it’s far more difficult to maintain it and make it a successful one. Read More
I remember the days when I just got started and signed up to my first autoresponder. I created my first list and got the HTML code for my webform. I didn’t really knew anything about HTML, but I managed to install that form and create my very own squeeze page.
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Cloud computing offers a number of benefits: flexibility, scalability, collaboration, automation, among others. These advantages are particularly felt in Read More
Here are some of the top technological trends in finance and accounting that are set to have a major effect during the course of 2014. Read More
It is necessary to now consider six of the most important qualities that must be possessed in order to be considered as a successful #affiliate #marketer.
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In this infographic we look at Customer Acquisition and Customer Optimization, two sets of activities that marketers need to balance to generate value. Read More
Consider for one moment that we lose 60% of our body’s energy to escaped heat. Imagine what an athlete could do if this energy could somehow be conserved. To bring such a vision into reality, 1st Round Athletics teamed up with a 3rd-party research team to develop energyDNA®. Read More
When it comes to building your brand, managing your online reputation at all times is essential. When someone posts information about a company online, bad or good, it can quickly reach consumers who have never heard of the business. Read More
There's more to entrepreneurship than just the business itself, and becoming a successful entrepreneur is not as easy as eating cake. It’s an undeniable fact that entrepreneurship requires dedication and commitment. You can’t just be a successful entrepreneur without these qualities. Are you ready? Read More
If you could launch your startup anywhere in the world, where would it have the best chance of success? Read More

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