MJvil voted on the following stories on BizSugar

This picture of the Justice League is here to illustrate what a Super Team is. Each member fills a particular role and there are few, if any, voids and that’s why they are a Super Team. Batman is the brains, Superman is the brawn, Flash is the speed, Aquaman is the guy who talks to fish. . . A supe Read More
From antique restoration to photo restoration to document restoration to home restoration, there are people who need these services. In addition to reaching new customers, the problem for businesses that offer restoration services is generating awareness. Read More
There is a chain of benefits that will stem from your health club offering off-peak hour gym memberships which makes offering this type of gym membership a brilliant marketing strategy. Read More
How much should you price your mobile app? Setting the price for your mobile app depends on what you intend your mobile app to do for you. If your mobile app’s purpose is to be an extension of your website for mobile phones, generate ad revenue, or promote your brand in general, then obviously you Read More
The mobile app market is a multi-billion dollar industry that is growing every day. According to date from an October 2010 Nielsen Company report, smartphones make up about 30% of the mobile phone market in the United States. Another Nielsen report expects smartphones to make up over 50% of the mob Read More
Developed by Toyota subsidiary Denso-Wave in 1994, the QR (quick response) code was designed with a two-dimensional code to allow its contents to be decoded at high speed. QR codes can contain images, urls, text, and more. Traditionally, QR codes have been black and white, but the growing popularit Read More
By understanding and analyzing why people aren’t coming to your art gallery, it will help improve your marketing strategy and get more people to your art gallery. Let’s face it, the more people that come to your art gallery, the higher the chance of a piece of art being sold. The more art you sell, Read More
You may be surprised how much your dental practice would benefit from having profiles for your dentists. I have done numerous web searches both for Los Angeles dentist and dentists by name and there is usually very little information provided. I was shocked at how many dentists do not have a websit Read More
Using the iPad to present portfolios is nothing new. People have been using the iPad to show off their portfolio since the original iPad came out. Read More
Retailers often asked for zip codes for marketing purposes–whether it be to get a better understanding where their customers live or to what areas they’re selling the most goods and services. However, back on February 10, 2011, the California Supreme Court unanimously overturned two lower-court dec Read More

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