MMarquit voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Home Business: Are You Providing a Product or a Service?

Home Business: Are You Providing a Product or a Service? - Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Startups
From 5039 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on September 22, 2010 12:33 pm
Are you providing a product or a service through your home business? Should you be paid up front, or after you deliver the material? Read More
Turn Self-Criticism into Self-Confidence Self-confidence is important to all of us. In the stress literature, it's one of the characteristics of the hardy professional, the professional that remains healthy in the face of the high stress of constant change. It's important, but how do you build and Read More
Cloud-based / SaaS applications are seeing an amazing adoption rate by SMBs and enterprise business department who find in them a low risk opportunity to easily deploy solutions that have an immediate impact on productivity improvements. Read More
The Top 20 Business Apps ranking is based on a composite algorithm that incorporates several criteria, including listing popularity on the Business App Store Most applications are suited to Small Businesses and offer a free demo or version of their products Read More

Advertising On Facebook Ads: A Guide For Small Businesses

Advertising On Facebook Ads: A Guide For Small Businesses - Avatar Posted by chrissb under Advertising
From 5039 days ago
Made Hot by: BusinessBloggerPro on September 20, 2010 6:41 am
Facebook advertising can be a great way for small businesses to drive awareness, generate leads, or gain more Likes. Learn how with this in-depth guide. Read More

Five Things You Can Learn from Your Receptionist

Five Things You Can Learn from Your Receptionist - Avatar Posted by ajayjoya under Online Marketing
From 5040 days ago
Made Hot by: shepherd on September 20, 2010 12:41 pm
5 Things You Can Learn From Your Receptionist: When you want the most current updates on trends affecting your company, look no further than the front desk. Read More
With a slogan, or tag line, you want to develop something that is clever and catchy BUT it also needs to deliver the message you want to deliver – otherwise it is nothing more than just a clever slogan that sounds fun, but doesn’t say anything significant or meaningful about your company or product Read More
I break down (in a simple manner) my yearly health costs and determine that a High Deductible Health Plan can save me about $3,000 a year. Combined with a Health Savings Account, those with reasonably good health and low costs can really benefit. Read More
The number one priority for a small business is to keep costs down. By outsourcing IT and server hosting, and focusing on a core specialty businesses are able to make the most out of their budgets. For example, running a data center and having in-house IT is most likely not a core requirement for a Read More

60 Proven Ways to Increase Your Online Marketing Influence

60 Proven Ways to Increase Your Online Marketing Influence - Avatar Posted by walethia under Social Media
From 5041 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on September 15, 2010 11:17 pm

1. Stop talking about your products and services and create valuable content.

2. Increase conversion rates on your landing pages by improving your buttons.

3. Build your thought leadership and digital influence through transparency.

4. Demonstrate commitment and increase your digital inf Read More

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