MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Here are five books that you must read if you are in any way considering an entrepreneurial career path. Read More
Here are five books that you must read if you are in any way considering an entrepreneurial career path. Read More
We all know the value of a powerful headline. Modern readers’ attention spans are notoriously short, so if your headline doesn’t capture their immediate interest, you might as well have no article at all. Read More
What’s in a small business name? Everything!

Selecting the best and most appropriate name for your small business is critical to both your long and short-term success, and most importantly, your bottom line. Use these 5 fundamental secrets to create the ultimate business name as part of your a n Read More

Keeping Data Safe in the Cloud is Every IT Team’s Goal

Avatar Posted by mmangen under Marketing
From 3373 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on July 2, 2015 11:25 am
Cloud computing and security breach - words you never want to hear in the same
sentence. Here’s how to protect your sensitive, cloud based data.
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Keeping Data Safe in the Cloud is Every IT Team’s Goal

Avatar Posted by mmangen under Marketing
From 3373 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on July 2, 2015 11:25 am
Cloud computing and security breach - words you never want to hear in the same
sentence. Here’s how to protect your sensitive, cloud based data.
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Offering a wireless hotspot and internet access to guests can open up new avenues for a business. Regardless of whether it is a restaurant, café, or some other kind of business, customers are quite likely to stay longer, buy more items and also visit more frequently with the knowledge that they can Read More
Big Data technologies – in the last few years – have emerged as some of the biggest change agents in the digital age having swept across the testing and production functions of many organizations and then, transformed the way businesses work by creating real-time use cases. By collating information Read More
"Commercial real estate is anything other than a house. For example, an apartment building that is five units and greater is considered a commercial real estate. An office building is considered commercial real estate." Read More
IT cloning is a method that creates a replica of a successful idea or a business model in IT industry. These days, many people are building clones of popular business prototypes like WhatsApp, Amazon, eBay, Airbnb, Flipkart, Alibaba and many more. By doing so, they are successfully selling their cl Read More

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