MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The great thing about being persistent is becoming successful. When you have succeeded and become successful in spite opposition the feeling is really great.

When I just started out making websites, professional site builders would look down on me as a “noob” and “unprofessional”. In fact, this Read More
How to live a life without regrets; live a life that feels meaningful to you, have a courage to express your feelings, simply allow yourself to be happier. Check out the infographic below. Read More
Want to save the world, but still run a profitable business? Maybe you’re unsure what kind of business to start, or worried your company name is hurting your business. This week on Bplans, we covered these topics and more. Read More

A Quick Tip on Pricing for Value - DIY Marketers

Avatar Posted by ivanastaylor under Marketing
From 3492 days ago
Made Hot by: FutureVision on March 10, 2015 10:27 am
How many times have you kicked yourself for not charging more? Like most projects everything seems to take twice as long and cost 3 times as much. - See more at: Read More
In direct marketing, some basics never change; but those basics need to be augmented with some updated insights from time to time. Here are six tips that will improve your direct-mail marketing business. Read More
CEO Peter Gracey takes on this horrifying MQL statistic and shows how sales acceleration can solve this problem in your business. Read More
I shared this story over dinner recently with some friends I met up with at a cool little mastermind I was at down in Colorado Springs not too long ago.

I’m sharing the same story with you today because there’s a BIG Network Marketing Success Tip here.

Check it out here.... Read More
You hate the thought of answering when it’s someone you don’t know or someone you do (but especially when it’s someone you don’t know). You hate feeling loss of control because you don’t know what they want to talk about. You dislike knowing that they can reach you no matter where you are to talk a Read More
The requirement to do business taxes adds more complexity to your already-complex entrepreneurial life. Here are 7 tax tips that make your life easier. Read More
Job growth continues to drop across the U.S., but it’s a downward trend that shouldn’t cause much alarm.
The ADP February 2015 Small Business Jobs Report for February reveals that there were 94,000 small business jobs added last month. That figure is down from the 97,000 small business jobs added Read More

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