MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

It's that time of the year again, isn't it? The time where we make crazy promises to ourselves that we're going to make dramatic changes in our lives, right?

Well, as a blogger, you can't afford to make crazy promises that you can't keep. Competition is fierce and you need to be on top of your g Read More
Don't sign on the dotted line until you have spoken to franchisees -- past and present -- of the franchise you are buying. The Franchise King tells you why in his first Franchise Direct guest post of 2015. Read More
We all know great customer service requires attention all year long. Your calendar provides helpful opportunities to connect and focus your customer service efforts during key times during the year. Read More
As I meet and mingle at parties, I've learned about how I can improve my web design business. Here are three lessons I've heard from people about what they want from their web designer. Read More
Hootsuite expert Mike Allton, and Evernote expert Jason Frasca, have teamed up to bring you these incredible maneuvers designed to improve your social media, using both tools in conjunction. Read More
A year ago I wrote about my 2014 web predictions such as the move to responsive web design, the dominance of WordPress and Magento and other topics. I am going to go back and highlight my predictions to see which of my predictions came true or fell short. The web is a difficult thing to predict bec Read More
1. Lack of Education
2. Simply No Common Vision:
3. Horrible Surprises Caused by Bad Sufficient Research:
4. Workforce:
5. Bad Governance:
6. Bad Communication:
7. Bad Programme Management:
8. Not Enough Bravery:
9. Weak Leadership
10. Lost baby with bathwater or Negligence:
Read More
The brick-and-mortal retail businesses are increasingly applying the essential attributes of advanced analytics to their respective predictive analytics with the ambition to understand in-store customer behavior better and prepare future business strategies accordingly. Read More

When should I sell or shut down my company? [video]

Avatar Posted by PMVirtual under Management
From 3553 days ago
Made Hot by: luvhealthcare on January 7, 2015 2:09 pm
It can be the most emotional and difficult decision you make as a founder. You’ve worked so hard to get here — but things change. Whether it’s going gangbusters and purchase offers are piling up or it’s spiraling downward and you’re facing a shut down, preparation is key. Recognize the signs and ex Read More
Share screens and documents, as if you were all in the same place.
If you have a team whose members are often working at various sites, or from home, it can be hard to get everyone together to touch base and make sure everyone is on the same page. Read More

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