MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

One of the great attractions of public speaking is that it gives you a wonderful platform from which to win attention, earn trust, and motivate audience members to take action.

If you can craft and delivered a powerful, engaging, and persuasive speech, you can literally inspire others through yo Read More
Coca-Cola has a history of fan first interactions, from their friendly approach to problems with a popular Facebook fan page created by two Coke fans, to Coke Australia's recent "Share a Coke" campaign encouraging fans to create their own Coke commercials with pictures from their Facebook albums, s Read More

Are you an “Echo Entrepreneur”?

Avatar Posted by SteveChapman under Self-Development
From 3556 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on January 6, 2015 7:44 am
What does the term Echo Entrepreneur mean and how can you tell if you are one? The article defines what an Echo Entrepreneur is and illustrates the behaviors that make someone an Echo Entrepreneur. Read More

The Best Way to Lose Followers on Social Media

Avatar Posted by cendrinemedia under Social Media
From 3556 days ago
Made Hot by: BizWise on January 5, 2015 12:12 pm
I keep repeating it. Your success in social media (and elsewhere) depends on your hard work, commitment, patience, and how respectful you are towards your audience.

Two years ago, I started following the page of a blogger I really liked. She shared interesting and thought-provoking things. Actua Read More
Measurement is the key to a successful marketing strategy, but many marketers, small business owners, and marketing agencies fall flat when it comes to understanding how to use those numbers to determine real ROI. Fortunately, this is less of an issue than it was a few years ago. There are plenty o Read More

Top 10 Business Trends for 2015

Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Strategy
From 3556 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on January 3, 2015 4:35 pm
Ten best business trends you should watch for in 2015 as a strong foundation for creating your business growth-hacking plan. Read More

5 Small Business Habits to Stop in 2015

Avatar Posted by sarahsantacroce under Success Stories
From 3556 days ago
Made Hot by: LoopLooper on January 3, 2015 7:31 pm
Have you written down your good resolutions? Why not start with this list of 5 Small Business Habits to Stop in 2015? Read More
Every bloggers primary goal is getting domain authority on Google search rankings; it brings lot of organic traffic to your blog/website, improves brand reputation, builds trust among the people, and indicates your expertise on that particular niche.

Read More
When we run our own business, ongoing learning becomes more critical than ever before. Why is ongoing learning essential for you as an entrepreneur? Read More

Small Business Marketing Plan Outline

Avatar Posted by righthand under Online Marketing
From 3557 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on January 4, 2015 1:00 pm
The biggest obstacles to small business marketing are: Not Enough Time, and not sure of Next Steps.

Below is a small business marketing outline that uses content marketing and social media tactics to help you meet your traffic and sales goals.

This article gives you a marketing guideline to Read More

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