MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Social platforms are always switching things up on you - just when you think you've got your strategy all set, they release an update that throws everything out of whack, and has you scrambling to catch up.

This is particularly evident in their optimal image dimensions. Facebook's Page dimension Read More
The advantages of monitoring a network are undeniable. However, when it comes to choosing your weapons for monitoring a network, native protocols are a wise choice. Read More
Learn to combine the two practices to see significant success. In fact, you need to focus so much on your sales and distribution strategy because no matter how good a product is they usually don’t make money on their own. Read More
For the past 6 months I have been involved as Co-Founder for a Twitter App called Buffer. Being the non-technical part I am focused on writing blog posts and reaching out for coverage. Another vital point was to grow an engaged Twitter account to increase our distribution. Read More
The retail clothing market is extremely competitive. Clothing business owners must constantly find ways to increase revenue. Here is how. Read More

Getting back to basic: How do You Market a New Product?

Avatar Posted by previsomedia under Marketing
From 2593 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on August 24, 2017 6:35 am
Launching a new product can be a daunting process, especially if you are trying to break into a specialist or saturated market. Here is how to do it right. Read More
We all want to sound loose and natural, but talking off the cuff is never a good idea. Having a solid system and strategy in play is essential to success in sales. Read More
Stumped with ideas for your blog? This post includes my favorite places to find blog ideas that will resonate with your audience, help your posts rank higher, and boost your blog traffic. Read More
How businesses respond to the challenges and exploit the benefits of artificial intelligence (AI) will be a key determinant of success. Read More
Trying to be a business leader by instilling fear in your employees and partners is never a good approach, but it is particularly devastating in a startup. Yet I see this approach used all too often by new entrepreneurs, most of whom are not natural tyrants, but who are fighting to mask their own i Read More

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