MasterMinuteman voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Has Real Estate IDX Service Become Obsolete?

I received an email about Real Estate IDX Service that got me thinking. The title of the email was:

“Putting IDX out to pasture”

Find out why, I for one, am not ready to put #RealEstate #IDX out to pasture yet...
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Here are 5 top objectives of your content marketing strategy: SEO, Drive Traffic, Generate Leads and Increase Conversion, Inform and Education and Thought Leadership. To learn more, please visit the article. Read More
Copywriters are great, but when you want to turn your website into a virtual cash register, you hire an epic copywriter. Here's how you spot them. Read More
Is there such a thing as too much communication? Find out if your smartphone is helping or hindering your sanity. Read More
Facebook advertising can often be overlooked for the more illustrious Google adwords, however used correctly it can result in massive returns. Read our latest blog, 7 reasons it is a potential goldmine for businesses! Read More

Zig Zag Track [podcast]

Zig Zag Track [podcast] - Avatar Posted by lyceum under Social Media
From 3517 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on November 21, 2014 9:56 am
Episode 15 (Zig Zag Track) of TrendPal podcast with Lotta Gergils Aston and Martin Lindeskog.

Are you on the right track? Take a bus ride and tune in to the “zig zag" episode of TrendPal Podcast!

Show notes:
Uber and Spotify set to announce partnership? - CNET
“Night bus music" - 8tracks
W Read More
There’s no doubt about it, focus is a crucial skill in becoming successful and achieving your dreams. Without it, your productivity will be low and the progress you make towards any goals will be minimal. Plus any work that you do manage to eventually produce won’t be anywhere near the standard it Read More

Entrepreneurs Need To Understand Survival Basics

Entrepreneurs Need To Understand Survival Basics - Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 3518 days ago
Made Hot by: LoopLooper on November 23, 2014 1:51 am
The good news is that the rate of entrepreneurship is down a bit, to pre-recession levels, according to the latest Kaufmann Index of entrepreneurial activity. The bad news is that it’s still high, the opportunity for change is huge, and the cost of entry is at an all-time low. It’s a jungle fight f Read More
Who are the companies to fall, and who will still prosper in the game of viral content? Check out the data below—and find out what single strategy has kept these companies afloat and prospering. Read More
There are 1440 minutes in each and every day. While our days will always be numbered, the following 3 success stories might just make tomorrow feel like you have a few extra hours to pursue your dreams. Read More

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