MasterMinuteman voted on the following stories on BizSugar

In days of old if you chose to have a website for your business it would have been near impossible to update without some knowledge of HTML or a degree in programming. With the introduction of Content management systems this is no longer the case. Read More
Many business leaders claim to use hypnosis to help them with self development and success. Does hypnosis REALLY work? Find out right here... Read More
The days when colleagues would huddle around a conference room table brainstorming ideas have largely passed. With 24 percent of workforces are now telecommuting from home on a regular basis, businesses are looking for digital tools that they can use to foster a sense of teamwork among those employ Read More
Your body language tells us a lot about you. Therefore, you may be interested to know how to improve your body language. If you are interested in learning 10 ways to improve your body language, please read on. Read More
Considering have an app developed for your business? Nowadays it seems like everyone has one, but would you really benefit from having an app? Read our blog post here. Read More
Giving away half of your work to nonprofits.

For free.

Nuts, huh?

But it’s a trending business idea that reimagines what it means to be engaged in pro bono service..... Read More
If your blog is a ghost town, and you need more traffic and engagement on your site, then your troubles are over (if you can follow easy step-by-step instructions.) Read More

Online Sales High on Retailers Holiday Wish List - Trellis

Online Sales High on Retailers Holiday Wish List - Trellis - Avatar Posted by trellis under Online Marketing
From 3517 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on November 25, 2014 3:55 am
The necessity to be physically present in order to fulfill the personalized needs of holiday gift lists is threatening to become a ritual of holidays past. Online sales during November and December are projected to grow at a rate of 8-11% in 2014, up from 8.6% in 2013, according to the National Ret Read More

Women-Run Businesses Make More Money -- Or Do They?

Women-Run Businesses Make More Money -- Or Do They? - Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Finance
From 3517 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on November 24, 2014 12:28 pm
Women might not own as many businesses as men do. But it seems that their businesses tend to be more successful, concluded a global survey from French bank BNP Paribas and consultancy firm Scorpio Partnership found. The survey included more than 2,500 entrepreneurs from the U.S., Europe, Asia and t Read More
Has Real Estate IDX Service Become Obsolete?

I received an email about Real Estate IDX Service that got me thinking. The title of the email was:

“Putting IDX out to pasture”

Find out why, I for one, am not ready to put #RealEstate #IDX out to pasture yet...
Read More

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