NetworkSolutions voted on the following stories on BizSugar

In addition to buying a lot of products online, I locate most of my service professionals and entertainment options online. When seeking out services, I use the following criteria to make a decision: user experience/credibility, reviews and testimonials, easy-to-contact, and first page of Google. Read More
You know that baby boomers are a hot market demographic. But did you realize just how hot they are? According to a new report by Boston Consulting Group, Global Aging: How Companies Can Adapt to the New Reality, by 2032, the “silver segment” of consumers age 55 and above will be responsible for at Read More
Think about all the work that goes into driving traffic to your website. From social media engagement to blogging and email, a huge part of your marketing campaign involves generating website traffic. But if you just send traffic to your home page, you’re basically throwing your leads away. A much Read More
How are employees feeling about their employers these days? Well, it seems like the gap between the 99 percent and the 1 percent isn’t the only growing divide these days. The gap between highly engaged employees and those who are “checked out” (or disengaged) from their jobs is widening, according Read More
I order a lot of products online, as a lot of people do these days. Once I make the decision to buy a product, there are a precious few factors that determine which online store will get my business: price, credibility/user experience, first page of Google. Read More
How’s the economic outlook for 2012? According to U.S. financial executives polled in the the latest Bank of America Merrill Lynch CFO Outlook survey, not too good.
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Reports of the trade show’s demise have been greatly exaggerated, recent research shows. In fact, BtoB Magazine reports, live, in-person events such as trade shows and conferences are becoming increasingly important to marketers as the world becomes more automated.
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Are you looking to hire new employees in 2012, or at least hoping to keep the ones you’ve got satisfied? Then you’ll need to know about the latest trends in hiring and compensation in order to lure new workers to your company and retain existing ones. A new survey by Robert Half International has s Read More
I know you’ve heard about the risks to your business’s reputation from employees using social media irresponsibly. Whether it’s an employee who gives a flippant response on your company’s Facebook page, accidentally reveals future business strategies or posts criticism of your company on his or her Read More
How can you use mobile phones to make your team more productive in 2012? Mario offers his top mobile tips for 2012 to have your team executing initiatives and meeting deadlines on the go… even in the cold weather!
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