NetworkSolutions voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Monika Jansen recently came across a video interview with Ramon De Leon, a managing partner of six Domino’s Pizza franchises in Chicago. De Leon offers quite a few hands-on techniques for marketing to local customers, and she highlights some of the best here. Read More
Could you use a boost to your small business’s marketing budget? You’re not alone. According to the 6th annual Staples National Small Business Survey, just two-thirds (66 percent) of small business owners have some type of marketing and advertising budget for 2012. Even among those who do have a ma Read More
What are Americans doing—and buying—on their mobile phones and tablets? Increasingly, they’re buying products and services. Among smartphone owners, a December survey of a sample of visitors found 32 percent of women and 25 percent of men made half or more of their holiday purchase Read More
Lead generation has long been an important task in marketing departments, but the strategy for developing qualified leads has changed dramatically in recent years. Consumers are spending more time researching products and services online before they become sales ready, but it’s still up to you to c Read More
The image of mom as an old-fashioned traditionalist needs to fall by the wayside—at least, if you’re hoping to market to her successfully. Today’s moms, especially those with very young children at home, are embracing the digital world and increasingly researching, shopping and sharing product info Read More
Are you having trouble finding employees to run your ecommerce site? You’re not alone. While the nation faces widespread unemployment, qualified ecommerce employees are not among those looking for work, according to Forrester Research data reported by Internet Retailer.
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The fourth quarter 2011 data from the National Venture Capital Association is in and there is good news and bad news about the venture capital industry.
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What consumers want when they engage with your brand on social media is often very different than what you think they want, according to a new study by The CMO Council and Lithium. The study, “Variance in the Social Brand Experience,” polled more than 1,300 consumers and more than 100 marketers and Read More
Since the launch of Google+ last year, Google’s answer to Facebook has gotten its share of buzz. According to Google+ for Dummies author Jesse Stay, Google+ is positioned well to do everything it has promised to do, and more – to become a true social media powerhouse. Check out the reasons why in M Read More
President Obama has requested authority to streamline U.S. executive agencies and announced plans to begin with trade-related agencies including the Small Business Administration, Bloomberg reports. Dubbed the Consolidation Authority Act, the proposed legislation would give the President executive Read More

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