NetworkSolutions voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Are you considering buying a new iPad for your small business? Maybe you already braved the crowds at an Apple store a few weeks ago, or perhaps you’re on the waiting list. If you’re still on the fence about buying an iPad (or iPads) for your business, check out this post I wrote last year about ho Read More
Are you looking for a way to attract more customers, sell more to the customers you already have and guarantee a steady stream of income to your business? Then the increasingly popular subscription sales model might be for you.
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Do you wish you could offer your employees a retirement plan to help you compete against bigger employers with hefty benefits packages? A Senate panel is planning to introduce new legislation to make it easier for small business owners to offer their employees retirement plans without busting their Read More
In today’s economy, offering discounts, sales and price cuts is almost essential for a small business hoping to attract and keep customers. But did you ever stop to think that price cuts or discounts could actually be driving your customers away?
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Do your employees see their jobs as a dead-end street? A new study from Accenture that focused on executive-level professionals found more than half of employees were dissatisfied at work. Despite this, the majority (69 percent) had no immediate plans to look for a new job. But with the economy pic Read More
If you have an ecommerce website, there’s good news and bad news. Good: The percentage of people visiting websites with the intention to make a purchase is on the rise. Bad: The number who actually manage to complete a purchase is declining, a new survey from iPerceptions found.
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Is your business in for a shakeup? If the latest Workplace Web Poll from FPC is any indication, employers could be seeing a massive change once the job market begins to improve and employees feel confident enough to look for new jobs. The most recent quarterly survey from FPC of 1,500 professionals Read More
It’s been a fantastic and eye-opening time at SXSW this year. Have met so many interesting people and witnessed a number of groundbreaking presentations. One of those presentations that was particularly relevant to small businesses was given by Seth Priebatsch, the Chief Ninja of SCVNGR and Leve Read More
Small business owners are more optimistic about hiring than they have been in a long time, according to the latest small business hiring survey by Wells Fargo and Gallup. The quarterly survey examines small business owners’ hiring outlook, their views on the conditions in their companies and their Read More
Are you seeking a loan for your small business? How can you boost your chances of success? One surprisingly simple way is by choosing the right bank to approach before you ever apply for your loan.
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