ObjectOriented voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Marketers must be compassionate to their customers pain points in order to create effective campaigns - but can this compassion be taught? Here's an infographic that shows how to create a company culture of compassion and help your business grow while providing more value to your customers. Read More

Why We Fail at Internet Marketing

Why We Fail at Internet Marketing - http://www.ryanhanley.com Avatar Posted by ryanhanley under Marketing
From http://www.ryanhanley.com 4176 days ago
Made Hot by: BIZantium on January 31, 2013 5:55 am
Internet marketing success finds only the few willing to be original. We ask the wrong damn questions!
Today’s connected Internet gives us access to brilliant leaders with a few bangs on the keyboard and mouse click… Read More
It might be time for you to clean house...online. This post on Small Business Trends looks at what you don't need online and how to update outdated info. Read More
Your business website should exist to give potential customers more information about your company, including details of how to contact you. It may seem obvious, but even larger names overlook the importance of providing clear contact details on their site. Find out who's guilty of this mistake and Read More
No doubt, Google has been considered the most useful and prominent search engine being ever used, however, rapid announcements of Facebook related to its search feature, and its mutual partnership with Bing Read More
While there are countless ways to clean and optimize your email list, valuing user engagement over the size of your list is the best strategy for your future email marketing endeavors. Find out what else is important. Read More
Another Friday, and it’s been one hell of a week…we’ve been in client meetings for days, delivered our Online Marketing Workshop to some of our Innovation Factory’s top startups just yesterday and today it’s infographic recap time….at least this am it is! Then on to more development of our new WebS Read More
There are several guidelines to follow if you want to succeed in writing effective social media content. Read More
Now back to QR Codes. They’ve had a target on their backs for some time now. Why? Because so many marketers do stupid things with them. Or maybe because many folks still don’t know what to do with a QR code.

These are not reasons to abandon QR Codes altogether. When used effectively, they can be Read More
True leaders realize that, by definition, the word "leader" places the leader at the front, and not the rear. Yet many, many executives try to lead through fear and intimidation. This isn’t really leading at all. It’s pushing. In startups, leading from the front means that you are not afraid to get Read More

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