ShannonW voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Work On Your Business

Michael Gerber, author of The E-myth Revisited (a must, must, must read for every entrepreneur ever – but I digress), taught us the key to business growth: Work on the business, not in the business. Yet, entrepreneur after entrepreneur keeps working in their business.

Wh Read More
Ingenuity is one of the greatest assets you can have in business. It’s more important than money, connections, and education put together. Creative ideas and solutions are the Holy Grail of entrepreneurialism, and every great quest requires boatloads of the stuff in order to reach the destination. Read More

Top Blogging Niche To Start Blogging In 2013

Top Blogging Niche To Start Blogging In 2013  - Avatar Posted by geekstrack under Startups
From 3980 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on August 12, 2013 3:19 pm
Nowadays, lots of people are attracted to blogging. As blogging is getting crowded, it’s very important to choose a specific niche and to stay stuck to that specific niche, to build a successful blog ! Read More

3 Marketing Experts Tell You How to Make More Money

3 Marketing Experts Tell You How to Make More Money  - Avatar Posted by ShannonW under Marketing
From 3980 days ago
Made Hot by: kingofcontent92 on August 12, 2013 8:55 am
Tired of not getting the customers and profit you deserve? We asked three marketing experts to share their best tips to help you increase sales for your small business. Read More
Selecting an appropriate Niche is the most important part and basic requirement when starting a new blog. While choosing a niche, one should always keep in mind the high paying keywords. But if you want a long term blog, then you must choose the topic of niche keeping in mind, your interest & likes Read More

What Happened After I Closed Guest Post Submissions

What Happened After I Closed Guest Post Submissions - Avatar Posted by tiroberts under Online Marketing
From 3981 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on August 12, 2013 6:12 am
Curious about the difference between accepting guest posts and not? Here's the results, comparing eight months of traffic and subscriber data. Read More
Do you want successful and tough guys online to hook up with and build your own blogging community? Oh yes, if you want to succeed in blogging, you need to be surrounded by others who are succeeding. Most successful bloggers are those whose blogging community is made up of these active and successf Read More

Un-Hostile Takeover: Buying a Business

Un-Hostile Takeover: Buying a Business - Avatar Posted by aprilatwood under Startups
From 3981 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on August 9, 2013 3:21 pm
While you might not feel the rush of opening your doors for the very first time, buying a business is a great option for first time entrepreneurs. Read More

10 Tips: How Not to Use Google Plus - The Wishpond Blog

10 Tips: How Not to Use Google Plus - The Wishpond Blog - Avatar Posted by bigmoneyweb under Social Media
From 3983 days ago
Made Hot by: seobromino on August 5, 2013 4:59 pm
10 Tips: How Not to Use Google Plus I’ve been spending quite a bit of time on Google Plus lately. I know, I’m geeking out. But it’s quickly becoming my favourite social media platform these days. It’s... Read More
How business owners can move from 'me to we' with the lessons from the 2013 BALLE Conference, and the talk: “Moving From Me to We: New Frontiers in Interdependence." Read More

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