Theodore1988 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

When creating a new site be it a niche or an authority site, choosing the right topic is always the most vital part of the process. Your site’s name, the appearance, what you writes, etc. are all determined by the name or topic you chose. Read More
Do you care about Your Blog Security? Then this is the only Tutorial you Need on WordPress blog Security. I have outlined all the necessary steps for securing a WordPress blog in this blog post. Read More

The challenge of being a Freelancer

The challenge of being a Freelancer - Avatar Posted by nschopra under Online Marketing
From 4021 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on July 2, 2013 7:24 am
The web is an ocean of information, advertising and communication that is attracting more and more professionals. The web as an industry is versatile and full of interesting fields that would satisfy people of all professional backgrounds. There are several reasons why someone would choose the web Read More
EarningGuys: Explore Endless opportunities in Internet Marketing
Increase your Blog Earning
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A webinar is a dynamic and budget-efficient way to provide training or meetup with a geographically-dispersed audience.

For first-timers, conducting an online seminar or webinar can be just as nerve-wracking as doing a live presentation in front of strangers. Here are tips to help you organize a Read More
First, let’s clarify what Local Search is and is not: Local Search is where your business is listed on a directory by location, or listed in “local” results on search engines – like when someone searches for “web design company in warsaw, indiana“. Local Search is not the same as natural search eng Read More
1.) Google Adwords reaches the most people. Yahoo Search Marketing is #2. MSN Search Marketing is #3. Start with Google Adwords.

2.) Look before you leap. Formulate your ROI equationto estimate investment and return. It may look something like this:I want ____ new customers per month from Pay-Pe Read More

When and How to Do Reputation Monitoring

When and How to Do Reputation Monitoring  - Avatar Posted by effectwebagency under Online Marketing
From 4021 days ago
Made Hot by: techmedia on July 5, 2013 8:42 am
Is reputation monitoring important in my case? The question really isn’t “Is it important?”, but: “How important?”. Let’s look at some stats:

90% of business purchases start online – Forrester (and that was 2007!)

83% of businesses use the Internet to research and find poten Read More
I’ve seen bloggers quieting their website/blog just because they were hit by Google Panda/penguin update. In fact, I’m one of those who has sold his own blog in the past which was hit by the Google update. Bad SEO is something that will hit your website so hard that you’ll find it very difficult to Read More
I don’t know about you but, I do know what it feels like to spend close to 6 hours in writing a very interesting and engaging article that might sometimes, be up to 2000 words and after some days or weeks, it will stop gaining visitors. Most often, those contents normally go viral the first time th Read More

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