Theodore1988 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you’re not marketing your content, why work so hard to create it? The latest from Marketing Trenches offers tips for sharing your story to grow your audience. Read More

3 Ways to Show Your SEO Success

3 Ways to Show Your SEO Success - Avatar Posted by nickstamoulis under Online Marketing
From 4044 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on June 11, 2013 3:12 pm
As frustrating as it is to hear (and say) not every website is going to grow their organic traffic by leaps and bounds through their SEO program. Even if you did everything “right” there could still be a number of factors working against you. Read More
An essential attribute of every (well, almost every) blog post of a high quality is a good photo or illustration. It will be even more precise to say that this is some unwritten “rule of etiquette” while blogging. Someone posts themed pictures, someone creates images by himself, but all authors oft Read More
I am giving away a FREE copy of an incredible Twitter marketing software tool that I have been using to drive traffic, build a following, and create interaction with on Twitter and you can too! Enter to win this awesome tool today! Read More

The Marketing Coach: How to use Facebook for marketing

The Marketing Coach: How to use Facebook for marketing - Avatar Posted by CateCosta under Social Media
From 4044 days ago
Made Hot by: BizWise on June 12, 2013 5:49 am
Everyone talks about using Facebook in marketing, but what exactly should small businesses do? Just as important, what are the costs and return on investment?
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Facebook has focused more attention on events which is great news! But they failed to include the best practices regarding the right dimensions to have your event cover image thumbnail display properly across the platform. Read More
Proposals are the manure you throw on business to make it grow. They can make or break a deal. There are things that decision-makers would rather that you not know. So don’t tell anyone – read this and then zip it. Read More

4 ways to boost your site traffic

4 ways to boost your site traffic - Avatar Posted by devan under Online Marketing
From 4044 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on June 10, 2013 8:26 am
Need to improve traffic to your website? Here are four things you can do today to get traffic flowing to your website! Read More

6 Things Entrepreneurs Can Learn from LeBron James

6 Things Entrepreneurs Can Learn from LeBron James - Avatar Posted by dhennessy under Startups
From 4044 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on June 8, 2013 12:50 pm
Successful athletes must adhere to the same discipline, focus and determination that successful businessmen and women do -- so it seems only right to copy the moves of the best player in the NBA. Read More
Meet Our Top 10 Alternatives to Google Adsense that will help you Monetize your blog and make more Money Blogging. This is a list of the best Adsense Alternatives Read More

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