VivianGuttman voted on the following stories on BizSugar

In case you haven’t noticed it, the rapid evolution of do-it-yourself (DIY) facilities for developers, including 3-D printers, SketchUp and makerspaces such as TechShop, have scaled down the cost of prototypes and hardware design by an order of magnitude. This movement, coupled with free websites a Read More
For a web agency to be a success, it needs to have more than big ideas and enough enthusiasm to power an Amtrak. The best in the business also have key processes in place. As Abraham Lincoln once said, "Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." Proc Read More
Bidding for jobs can be cutthroat.

Not only do you have to create an accurate estimate of how much everything will cost, but you have to do so as quickly as possible to have the best chance of securing the customer. Read More
Becoming a successful online entrepreneur takes hard work, a good sales pipeline, and a commitment to developing the right habits.

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Incorporating aspects of mindfulness and meditation into your daily work routine can benefit your business in a great way. Mindfulness is an important tool that can keep you focused and even minimize the tendency for perfectionism. Reducing stress levels and improving sleep quality with meditation p Read More
Discover the automation resources that will help you super-charge your lead education and client onboarding systems to free up your day and increase revenue.
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Unlike teams where everyone’s in the office at the same time, remote communication is often asynchronous. What that means is that it’s not a group call where everyone can pitch in with ideas and expect instant responses. It could be hours before you get your question answered, and when you finally Read More
I find it interesting that people are at odds. With political views, social views, racial views, etc. Having a side is what makes the world unique. It’s what makes us different. It’s what makes us human. Read More

5 Steps to Deal with your Difficult Employees

5 Steps to Deal with your Difficult Employees - Avatar Posted by Exit Promise under Human Resources
From 2511 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on August 25, 2017 11:52 pm
Entrepreneurship offers the most even-tempered humans many challenges. One such challenge is managing difficult employees who are forever causing havoc. You know who they are. And so does your spouse! Read More

Brick And Mortar And Franchise Opportunities

Brick And Mortar And Franchise Opportunities - Avatar Posted by franpro under Franchises
From 2511 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on August 25, 2017 11:58 pm
I'm sure you've head about the death of shopping malls. Those huge indoor expanses of retail shops that dot the landscape. Well, just because malls are hurting doesn't mean retail is. Check out the statistics shared in this franchise blog post written by The Franchise King®. Read More

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