Alexwriting voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Yesterday I was thinking of calls-to-action (CTAs) for a new Facebook Ad campaign I wanted to run, and I caught myself wondering why I was starting from scratch again.

I mean, I’ve created and analyzed a ton of Facebook Ads. Why don’t I have a set of formulas I can go back to? Read More
What kind of personality does your Facebook Page have? Is it considerate and extroverted, or obnoxious and demanding?

In honor of Facebook’s 10-year anniversary, Wishpond is releasing this fun and colorful infographic. We’re taking a look at some of the most recent statistics from Facebook Pages Read More
As a writer competing with news outlets (and Buzzfeed) for your time, I wanted to learn how to get you to read and share my stories. Here are 10 tips I learned. Read More
This is a continuation of a discussion originally started here, in a piece titled, “Fear Factor 101: Is Fear a Factor?” So let’s proceed by picking up where we left off. Read More
Facebook recently released a new feature in the Facebook Power Editor - call to action buttons.

Every good copy needs a call to action and Facebook now allows your call to actions to really stand out. Advertisers have already started using this and you probably feel left out. So, watch the video Read More
Do you ever feel like there are not enough hours in the day for social media? Here are some tips to help out... Read More
I think that every day there is at least one new post that discusses the issue of online marketers not using Google+ enough, to promote their identities, brands and products.
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No one wants to spam a bunch of followers or come off as a sleazeball who’s only in it to make the next buck. So, how the heck do you sell stuff via social media?
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According to Wikipedia, synergy is defined as “two or more things functioning together to produce a result not independently obtainable alone”. It comes from the Greek word synergia, which means “working together”.

There are only so many hours in a day, and only so far you can take your business Read More
Is a time crunch killing your creativity? Use these six strategies for sparking new ideas even when you're under the gun.
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