Alexwriting voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Good Morning Sunday: Forgive and Be Happy

Avatar Posted by zubinkutar under Online Marketing
From 3876 days ago
Made Hot by: kingofcontent92 on February 20, 2014 8:42 am
Psychologists have found a co-relation between forgiveness and happiness. Forgiveness leads to less stress, low anxiety and higher level of happiness. Did you know that ? Read More
Everyone says it is, so it must be true: SEO is finally dead. But what on earth happened to the pony? Read the post to find out. Read More

Why I love website footers (and what you can put in them)

Avatar Posted by Martina Iring under Online Marketing
From 3877 days ago
Made Hot by: centrifugePR on February 17, 2014 5:54 am
Haven’t given much thought to your small business’ website footer? Well, it’s time for a pedicure. It's not just where you stick in your legal links and then forget about it. It can be so much more! Use it for your SEO, to initiate contact and otherwise be helpful to your website visitors.
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Is Blogging Still A Great Marketing Tool [podcast]

Avatar Posted by maestro68 under Social Media
From 3877 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on February 17, 2014 9:04 am
Anna Farmery speaks to Leslie Samuel (Become a Blogger) about blogging and asking whether blogging has been overtaken by many other social tools or whether we should still see blogging as a critical part of our marketing strategy. Why work should be about having fun! Is blogging dead? Why blogging Read More

How To Write A Great Blog Post

Avatar Posted by jonnyross under Online Marketing
From 3877 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on February 18, 2014 12:20 am
Thinking of writing your own blog? Read these handy hints beforehand to ensure you write the best blog post possible instead of the world's worst one.

Read more: Read More
Whether you think Google+ is a successful or a failed attempt at competing with Facebook, you have no choice but to be on it. Why?

Because with Google+ you can get your image listed next to you in the search listings, which can increase your organic traffic by up to 150%.

Even if you aren’t l Read More
Video has become more and more influential on peoples lifestyles - YouTube has over 1 billion unique monthly visitors, and an average internet user watches 186 videos every month. These statistics alone prove that written blogs are in need of a spice up and businesses should turn to ‘vlogging’ (vid Read More
Mapping the buying funnel for a complex product requires significant effort, but offers significant ROI in profits, customers, and leads. Read More

Did You Calculate Your Return On Investment?

Avatar Posted by ivanasmia under Finance
From 3878 days ago
Made Hot by: NanoTechnologyMedia on February 17, 2014 8:45 am
IT organizations are faced with issues of implementation and management of the complex, distributed and heterogeneous information systems and infrastructure. Those systems provide efficient and competitive advantage to companies, and condition their strategic decisions and business success. Read More

Do You Need A Content Delivery Network?

Avatar Posted by ivanasmia under Technology
From 3878 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on February 17, 2014 5:45 pm
Content delivery networks have been around for a while, though you perhaps haven’t heard of them before. If you’ve ever watched a live online event – the higher quality of the video is usually the result of multiple servers connected near your local area. This is a content delivery network the busi Read More

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