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How to instantly establish trust and authority with your website

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Sales
From 3874 days ago
Made Hot by: zioncampo on February 19, 2014 9:19 am
Trust is something you have to earn, but impatient customers are ready to let you earn it easily. Here are a few ways to quickly earn their trust. Read More

5 Must-Have Tech Tools for Retailers

Avatar Posted by smpayton under Management
From 3874 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on February 19, 2014 8:37 am
When it comes to growing a retail business, everyone can use a little help. Fortunately, there are numerous apps, software programs and tools that can help merchants manage everything from inventory to staff. Below are five must-have tech tools for retailers. Read More

How to Leverage Your Social Contacts for Marketing

Avatar Posted by smpayton under Social Media
From 3874 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on February 19, 2014 4:43 pm
Now that CRM uses social media features, it's easier than ever to get more out of your social network. Here's how small businesses can benefit. Read More
If you want your web content to generate as many results as possible, it has to create a buzz on the social media sites. Here's how you can make that happen. Read More

Inventory Control: Avoiding Supply Chain Breakdown

Avatar Posted by MikeWasp under Management
From 3874 days ago
Made Hot by: [email protected] on February 19, 2014 4:23 am
Knowing consumers’ holiday purchasing habits could have prevented UPS’s inability to deliver packages on time for Christmas. Recognizing on-line sales continue to increase, especially when retailers frequently offer the best deals right before Christmas, UPS should have taken their own advice and i Read More
When you're on center stage as the Russians are this week, it's essential to put your best forward, and let's face it, the Olympic hosts haven't done much to make friends and influence people with the world watching. Read More
Two years ago, I would be thinking what are the best products for me to promote, and creating my own brand or a business would be out of question – it was easy to make money by not having to think about what kind of content I am publishing, the average price for an article was (and still is) around Read More
By James W

If you’ve been paying ANY attention to marketing trends over the last year or so, you know that practically everyone on the web is buzzing about content marketing. Unfortunately, though, you can’t just randomly post pieces of content and hope they do the trick. Instead, you need a f Read More

Floated A New Business? Here’s How To Cut Down On Startup Costs

Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Startups
From 3875 days ago
Made Hot by: tiroberts on February 19, 2014 4:45 pm
By Nadeem Ghori

It takes a brave soul to launch a startup. It takes a braver soul to keep it going. We are very much interested in these brave souls who are bringing employment to others and doing something exciting with their lives. But we are also aware of how ridiculously demanding and draini Read More

How Content Marking Impacts Your Search Engine Rankings

Avatar Posted by bigmoneyweb under Online Marketing
From 3875 days ago
Made Hot by: zioncampo on February 19, 2014 1:13 am
The online world is constantly ev0lving and I’m sure we all are already aware of that. Some time ago, Matt Cutts said that guest blogging is dead and a lot of discussions were raised on the internet regards to that. In one of the discussions, my friend Ana Hoffman said that Guest Blogging is still Read More

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