Alexwriting voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Now that Yelp and Yahoo have announced a partnership, it's possible that the review site is going to hold even more influence on local listings and traffic. Here's what small business owners should do in order to get their Yelp profiles ready. Read More

Grow Your Blog at Light Speed With This Website

Avatar Posted by aprilatwood under Social Media
From 3881 days ago
Made Hot by: mikehartman1 on February 19, 2014 6:18 pm
Even the best blog tips won't always increase traffic to your site. So we reviewed blog-sharing site Viral Content Buzz to find out if it works! Read More
Try these four great email design tips in our video FAQ when crafting your email newsletters. Andrea shows you how to engage your customers, create a mobile friendly and brand-consistent design and keep a clean layout. Read More
This next decade belongs to distributed models not centralised ones, to collaboration not control, and to little data not big data. Read More
I was a wee bit of a people pleaser from childhood through early adulthood; however, when I embraced being an entrepreneur, I had to learn a valuable lesson–the boundaries of self-love. Read More
40 experts and WordPress power-users share their favorite WordPress plugins for efficiency, security, and marketing. Hear it straight from high powered bloggers and marketers mouths! Read More
Part of what I do as a startup consultant is to help make sure that entrepreneurs have aligned their business goals with their personal goals before they jump into launching and running their businesses. Everyone has goals they’d like to achieve in both their personal and professional lives. Unfort Read More
Do a pic list of the drinks you’ll need. Now is the time to use your hand truck and you’ll want to load them in order from back to front or first in last out. Read More

An Effective CEO Creates His or Her Own Luck

Avatar Posted by jimarmstrong under Online Marketing
From 3881 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on February 14, 2014 3:47 am
Matthew Medney, CEO & Founder of Dog Media NYC, writes eloquently about hard work and "creating your own luck." Be prepared to be inspired. Read More
Increase revenue from marketing automation program by optimizing your marketing operations. Here is a list to help you get started.. Read More

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