Bitterbusiness voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Thought leadership when done correctly can help further a person’s career or a business. Being a thought leader should mean becoming a trusted source of information on your chosen topics by delivering the answers to the biggest questions on the minds of the audience seeking enlightenment or educati Read More
To have an effective sales strategy a business needs to consider its products, its market and how the sales effort will be directed to ensure it captures profitable growth selling to customers. Sales strategy is a business decision on (1) who the sales teams are going to sell to (2) what are they g Read More

The Ultimate Inbound Marketing Guide for Business

The Ultimate Inbound Marketing Guide for Business - Avatar Posted by bitterbusiness under Marketing
From 3351 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on April 4, 2015 8:57 pm
inbound marketing has become the main driver in getting a business into buyers awareness and consideration steps when looking for a product mainly due to the non-interruption aspect of inbound marketing. Read More
The building blocks for a successful business are built around three factors: The Team, The Product and The Market. Each factor or a combination will most likely determine the success or failure of any individual business with a particular focus on the product to market fit. It is often said that a Read More
Every business wants as many people or buyers as possible to know about their business. However when it comes to customer acquisition the more customers you want to reach, the reality is the more time, resources and money it’s going to cost. Defining the customer acquisition strategy and target cus Read More
Whether your social media marketing is designed to drive traffic, generate sales leads or reach a wider audience, following these ten simple rules will help lay the foundation to serve your marketing, customers, brand and business better. Read More
Customers buy solutions to problems or solutions for outcomes they need to make their business or lives better. While pricing is important it usually ranks 3 or 4 on buyer’s criteria. Too many businesses rely on the assumption in the era of digital self-education that the most important thing to a Read More
Generating sales leads and traffic can be costly (clicks, CPL, sales hunters) so the business needs to educate everyone that without lead generation there is no sales pipeline, effecting customer acquisition rates and impacting on sales growth. The term "Smarketing" should be introduced, meaning it Read More
A marketing plan is a series of tactics that deliver agreed goals for the business
First thing for any small business to note is that marketing plans do not have to be a complicated fifty page document. Marketing plans and go-to-marketing strategies may get more advanced and complicated as a busin Read More
Discuss Sales Lead Generation on Sales lead generation includes three core principles: First is having the correct product to market fit strategy including compelling offers. Second is putting the product and offers in front of the right audience in large enough numbers and third is gi Read More

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