Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you’ve invested the time and energy into developing your social, online, or brick-and-mortar presence – really any presence, at that – but have noticed your subscribers, your followers aren’t as loyal as you’d thought or you don’t have any mailing list subscribers to speak of, then it’s time to Read More
Chances are, if you are in internet marketing (or have a blog) you’ve at once considered automating some of your tweets. While there are a variety of programs and plugins one can utilize to automate twitter, there are certainly some that are MUCH more effective than others. Hopefully even if you ar Read More
Is social media or search engine traffic the ultimate source of web traffic? Find out in this article Read More
Take a peep into apple's marketing strategy and find out the secret they used in boosting their sales and knocking down competitors. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Let's think different! Read More
For many entrepreneurs protecting the livelihoods of loyal employees after selling their business is an important consideration. There is always a fear that a trade sale to a rival will lead to job losses, perhaps even the closure of the entire business, as the new owners seek to boost profits b Read More
Here are last year's Retail statistics for Grey Thursday, Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Do your foresee big changes in online retail in 2013? Read More
Every year around this time the debate is sure to come up for any B2B business using email marketing. Thanksgiving is around the corner, people are starting to emit holiday cheer, and you’re wondering if you should use that to your advantage from a marketing standpoint.

While holiday themed mark Read More

Can Bundling Save Money for Small Business Customers?

Avatar Posted by AngelBiz under Strategy
From 3958 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on November 29, 2013 6:33 pm
Bundling products and services together can help businesses sell more. Who wins and who loses from bundling? What are the best practices? Read More

Thank you: My business wouldn't be what it is without you

Avatar Posted by devan under Marketing
From 3958 days ago
Made Hot by: Ruth Stone on December 3, 2013 5:26 am
My business today isn't what it was from when I first started it 13 years ago. I owe a big thank you to everyone who's helped me along the way. Read More

J.C. Penney: Write-Downs & Write-Offs

Avatar Posted by BLASTlavon under Strategy
From 3958 days ago
Made Hot by: PaulTru on November 26, 2013 8:55 pm
With the holiday season fast approaching, successful retailers will be in control of their inventory. The holiday season is a perfect time to get rid of slow or non-selling inventory through the process of write-downs. J.C. Penney used this strategy to bring customers into their stores. Read More

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