Bloggertone voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Market Research – But That’s REALLY Expensive! | Marketing ideas

Market Research – But That’s REALLY Expensive! | Marketing ideas - Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Marketing
From 5293 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 4, 2009 2:50 am
After the initial panic, I started to frame a cunning plan (a Blackadder fan!) based on the fact that I was selling business to business.

Identified what I needed to know a.k.a. does this business idea have any merit!

* Was there are market?
* What was that market willing to pay?
* What were the barriers to entry?
* What were my competition doing…
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An analogy comparing social media in 2009 to the first telephones catching on. Read More
A structured sales process is a prerequisite: the CP will want to see how it fits into your reporting structure, your Management Information System. The reporting model for CPs is the same but different! Like your direct sales force they must report on their pipeline and activities within the sales funnel: leads generated, deals closed, deals lost. It’s different insofar as you are working wit Read More
Business blogging expert Denise Wakeman recommends creating multiple niche blogs if your business addresses more than one audience. Of course, we've all heard by now about the importance of creating a blog to promote, brand and gain exposure for your business and as a way of establishing you as an expert in your field. But Wakeman urges businesses who publish blogs to also give careful thought to Read More
You're finally launching your new web site. And you're excited to have that big project finally done. Unfortunately, you need to budget for continual attention. Read More
For a lot of home workers (and home carers), the very same building they fell in love with some time before, becomes their “prison”. They begin to resent the place and eventually all it represents. The catastrophic consequence is the impact it can have on a relationship/marriage. So where is the balance? How can one get around these issues? Read More
With the best will in the world it can be very hard to remain objective right throughout an interview process. Sure a structured, competency-based interview approach can minimise the impact of subjectivity, particularly in relation to personal biases, but nevertheless an individual interviewer will always be influenced to a certain extent by their perception of what they see and hear during the Read More
Gary is a serial entrepreneur that has made out of his Wine Library TV a multi-million dollar business. Along with that success, he built a massive self-brand, so powerful that his advice and content became very valuable.

He recently launched a great book called “Crush it” (Tips and strategies to leverage the power of the web to grow your business). Read More

How To Write A Press Release Headline

How To Write A Press Release Headline - Avatar Posted by jsternal under Public Relations
From 5295 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 2, 2009 1:02 am
Every now and then we like to post questions we receive from our blog visitors and take the time to answer so that everyone can learn and also chime in with their own thoughts. Here’s a question asking about how to write a press release headline. Read More

4 Ways To Better Small Business Marketing On A Budget

4 Ways To Better Small Business Marketing On A Budget - Avatar Posted by jsternal under Marketing
From 5295 days ago
Made Hot by: sannwood on December 3, 2009 1:13 am
Relationship-Based Marketing for Small Businesses. Small businesses often have the challenge of growing customers without advertising dollars. Relationship-Based Marketing can be a cost-effective way to grow business. The old saying, “’Word of mouth is the best form of advertising,” is true now more than ever. Below is a four-step process: Read More

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