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See That Over There? It's Your Brand

See That Over There?  It's Your Brand  - Avatar Posted by nicolebeckett under Online Marketing
From 3655 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on July 8, 2014 3:40 pm
Having the wrong content marketing strategy will build the wrong brand. Your business simply can't afford to make a mistake like that! Read More
At the end of the day, it always comes back to sales! Today I want to share with you the top 5 ways you can get more clients fast! Read More

8 Proven Paid Web Traffic Sources for Your Landing Pages

8 Proven Paid Web Traffic Sources for Your Landing Pages - Avatar Posted by ronsela under Online Marketing
From 3655 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on July 5, 2014 3:17 am
Landing pages are a great marketing tool for any business. If you want to start an online business, landing pages are just as essential as the goods or services you plan to sell. However, what is the purpose of a having a website if you cannot generate any visitors? Read More
How would you like to get attention from the media? We are living in a time when hiring a publicist is just about unnecessary. Christina Daves and I have a much needed conversation about how you can get a lot of attention from the media without hiring a publicist. We have a lot to talk about, so I' Read More
The sick leave, the reduced productivity, and other by-products of following and actually watching football matches is costly for business. How costly? Read More
If you’re being driven nuts by someone at work who sulks, procrastinates and writes you snarky emails, it could be that you’re dealing with a passive-aggressive personality type. The only thing that makes it worse is if that person is your boss. It’s time to learn to handle such behavior and not l Read More
Today, information can be transmitted around the world at nearly 300,000 km per second - otherwise known as the speed of light. To navigate this ever-changing, increasingly complex digital ad climate, marketers need a global understanding of digital opportunities and trends. Such as which countries Read More
We all enjoy seeing images when we land on a website as it adds interest and peaks curiosity, especially if hyperlinked. Images are a form of rich text and can definitely boost your rankings when optimized and used correctly. There’s a common rookie mistake to avoid when using images on your site, Read More
When you have no digital footprint online, using social media might feel like talking to a wall; trust me, it is not. Read More
There’s no question that marketers today understand the power of visual content. In its State of Content Marketing 2014 report, Oracle Eloqua found that 58% of respondents list making content more visual and engaging as a trend influencing their strategy for the year. But constantly churning out vi Read More

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