Businessluv voted on the following stories on BizSugar

You work hard to get ahead. You keep busy and active getting the next thing done. But from time to time, even in today’s always connected work world, it’s actually smarter to be… lazy.

The daily know-how’s and to-do’s are constantly changing - that’s a given with our social online. Read More
According to a survey by The Yankee Group and compiled by Business Insider Intelligence, iOS users spend nearly double what Android users spend in similar mobile proximity transactions. Read More
Being in the U.S. I always thought I’d manufacture my product in the U.S. But after trying it once and barely breaking even, I realized I would have to move my manufacturing to China, like most of the rest of the world. It took a few tries to find a good, honest factory, but I finally found the rig Read More
DMP shares these guidelines that can help you in identifying the best digital marketing tools available to market your brand and business. Read More
The bottom line is that U.S. banks are impeding growth for many companies by over-culling the pool of potential buyers and users. They stubbornly stick to bad business models in the name of tradition and are oh-so-ripe for disruption. This is both good and bad news for other businesses. Read More
Speaking on behalf of this remarkable gender, we really do think differently, act differently and approach situations differently from our male counterparts. It’s a fact of life. So when businesses are targeting us for sales, the smart and strategic marketer will keep this in mind. Read More

It's OK If Your Startup's Web Site Sucks (For Now)

Avatar Posted by VisibleLogic under Startups
From 3755 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on June 19, 2014 6:22 am
It's OK if your first web site isn't that great. Use it as a learning experience to understand how to connect with your audience and tell your story. Read More
Whether you’re just starting out in your professional career or have several years of experience under your belt, a little career advice from seasoned pros from time to time can help keep you inspired and motivated. So we asked several […] Read More
My latest post on which discusses 7 ways small businesses can differentiate themselves from their competitors and attract better business opportunities. Read More
An infographic on the leading mobile trends in Asia. Asians leading the global mobile revolution. 42% of Asia Pacific consumers who use mobile to buy goods and services want to do it more, higher than in any other region. Read More

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