Businessluv voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Engaging content is where things start, not contact us. So, if you think a great offer is all your prospect needs to buy, you might be a Bowhm – and a large percentage of your traffic is not being cultivated to produce future buyers.
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Sick of hearing generic content marketing strategy advice? These 10 questions are a bit off the cuff but the answers will help you get *real* insight into your customers, and how you can reach them. Read More
Are you enjoying the rewards of getting more clients with your magnetic message? Or are you feeling frustrated or exhausted from working so hard and still with so little or no results at all when it comes to getting clients? This week I want to share with you seven solid steps to get more clients... Read More
Have you ever attended an event and been approached by someone trying to “sell” something to you or “get” you as a client too soon, too fast or too push-y? This week I’d like to talk with you about how to effectively promote yourself and your “Labor of Love” when networking at events so that you ca Read More
The Advertising world is composed of many outlets and modes of expression. Over the years, video has been crawling to the top of the success pyramid in ways to market a brand. The common benefits of video advertising include better customer engagement, brand awareness, SEO, conversion and more. In Read More
The best businesses are always the ones that start out as just a passion. It’s being able to turn your passion into a business that unlocks the potential for you to have your dream job. Read More
When you say that you’re “busy” does that mean you’re actually doing something that drives business forward or are you just checking meaningless tasks off your list? Read More
If your Hotel need help with Twitter Reputation Management then learn some of the best ways to manage your Hotels Twitter Reputation Read More
An infographic, created byDave Whitlock of Principle Design for the excellent book Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World, by Michael Hyatt. Read More
There are significant benefits to running a business, but there are also strong arguments for keeping your hobby just the way it is. Consider the following factors, and take a hard look at whether you’re ready and willing to turn your hobby into a business. Read More

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