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Social Media news: Facebook, Twitter and Google+

Avatar Posted by cendrinemedia under Social Media
From 4679 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on December 12, 2011 5:57 am
Thursday was a day of major announcements for three giant social networks. Let us have a look at what the near future holds for the social media experience. Read More
Okay, the weeks almost over and we’ve seen some great new items this week that need to be shared about online marketing and of course, on SEO too! While that might seem like a daunting task, i.e. the capture of a whole week’s worth of marketing data – I must explain that with over 170+ blogs, forum Read More

Conducting a Business Meeting in a Bar

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Management
From 4679 days ago
Made Hot by: thegman3 on December 16, 2011 4:47 am
There are times when you might want to conduct a business meeting in bar. The atmosphere tends to be laid back, and a drink or two can relax all parties involved. The following are some helpful tips if you find yourself in a business meeting in a bar. Read More
Are you a craptivist or a slacktivist? Give a crap - become a craptivist this holiday season. Read More
This has been a very interesting list to put together, purely because when you start to compare the ways in which the people on the list have made their money, you start to see patterns emerging. The list is very revealing about the details of what it takes to be a big website, and the best way to Read More
Twitter is revamping the service with personal Twitter
profile pages, a new timeline that includes rich media
and other related information embedded into tweets,
and easier search for information based on @ symbols
(usernames) and hash tags.
Read More

A New Startup Gives Couples Something To Do

Avatar Posted by maplesummit under Finance
From 4680 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on December 9, 2011 5:55 pm
Dry on new date ideas? A new startup, BeCouply, may have the answer. BeCouply helps couples have epic social lives. Read More
Principles of leadership (particularly, transformational leadership) work wonders when applied in any management context, and especially in affiliate program management. Read More
Starting and running a business successfully often depends on accessing the right information and tools at the right time and knowing how use it all. Get your business started on the right foot with these resources for guidance, statistics, and other information specific to family-owned businesses. Read More
In early November, Google announced a ranking algorithm update, incorporating a “freshness algorithm, designed to give you the most up-to-date results…” Google goes on to explain the varying degrees of freshness that might influence both the searcher’s intent and the search results: Read More

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