Clickfire voted on the following stories on BizSugar

When you actually sit down and map it all out, optimizing a website (even a small one) takes a lot of work! Once you’re done with the actual on-site SEO, there is still link building to contend with, and I would argue that link building never really ends if you want to succeed in the long run. For Read More
There is a right way and a wrong way to use social media for business. Unfortunately too many companies think that “doing social media” means creating profiles on the big networks, and posting a few links whenever they feel like it. That is the wrong way. If you want to use social media correctly t Read More
Have you heard of Google's Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT for short)? Well if not, than it's about time you immerse yourself in this concept - a great download from Brittany Richter. Read More
A major source of confusion with taxes is the rate at which we are taxed. To find how much taxes you owe, there are a few steps you must go through. Read More
Even if you currently perform in a dead-end job, you can still put together a career strategy. In fact, you should have a career strategy no matter what you are doing. Read More
Before signing up for a home business “opportunity,” make sure you know what you are getting into. On March 1, 2012, the FTC is putting into practice changes to its Business Opportunity Rule. Read More

Personal Finance Inspires this Contributor of the Week

Avatar Posted by amabaie under SugarTone
From 4680 days ago
Made Hot by: hishaman on December 9, 2011 3:55 pm
While improving personal finances is certainly the motive behind why many entrepreneurs and small business owners start their ventures in the first place, for BizSugar Contributor of the Week Tom Drake this was the case in more ways than one. Read More
At this point, customers expect free shipping when buying online. Here's how to go above and beyond to stand out. Read More
In your experience what information has prompted you to comment or share with your network? It is likely including these factors in your writing will propel your content through the social pipes.

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Since the process isn't complicated, I though I'd share how you can estimate a budget yourself. For this exercise we'll assume you're going to start with Google AdWords. To get a good estimate, you'll need to answer 4 main questions. Read More

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