Clickfire voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Yup, two years since I began this blog and so far, what I can absolutely swear to – is that writing a blog regularily can be a truly uplifting and fun experience. Well…mostly that is, eh!

That’s not to say at times, it’s not been a real chore…trying to come up with a topic that is both newswort Read More
Google Search Stories is a free tool that allows you to harness the combined powers of Google and YouTube to create short, commercial-like trailers. You can showcase anything you want. Read More
I have many reasons to why I would say yes to blogging, some more important than others but at the end of the day I love blogging and I would never stop or change for anything. In fact it may sound strange but blogging makes me happy. I’ve meet so many intelligent and amazing people since I’ve star Read More
JustRetweet is THE retweet sharing site used by social media savvy, influential bloggers who support small businesses and collaborate with other bloggers. Read More
Even a 10 year old can get a black belt in Karate! Can your business earn one in survival? Small businesses fail because they don't have the discipline or process to succeed. 5 Lessons from a 4th Grade Master. Read More
Social media offers us the opportunity to engage and communicate very easily with people, but do we really know who our so called 'friends' are?

Do we really know who's watching us? Studying us?

They know who we are and they know where we live... Read More
There was a time when Facebook was the be-all and end-all of social networking. Since November 7, 2011, the balance has shifted. Google+ moved up a gear with its Business Pages.

While Twitter will always be my favorite social network, I have grown to like Google+ immensely. I am very impressed w Read More

5 Tips for Adopting a Brand Name for Your Small Business

Avatar Posted by fabianlegal under Legal
From 4706 days ago
Made Hot by: Ruth Stone on November 14, 2011 10:04 pm
Before choosing a brand name, it is critical for small business owners to take the necessary steps to both mitigate liability risks and protect their new valuable asset. Also, take note: once you adopt it, this is only the beginning of the process, and you need to make sure your trademark is protec Read More
These days, many expect entrepreneurs to be professional at all times and go beyond the call of duty for a “competitive” price. When these customers do not know anything about the entrepreneur’s industry, a little bit of education usually does the trick. Unfortunately, customers like Mike cannot be Read More
Okie-dokie…we’re jammed and still trying to take on more as opportunity seems to want to know almost daily! I know…you too….isn’t being an entrepreneur about the best “job” in the world! Yup, agreement here on that too!

Okay, so Friday….4 meetings today and then some more SEO keyword research l Read More

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