Clickfire voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Since the first day Andy Bailey hinted that he was working on the release of CommentLuv Premium. This plugin comes with social enticements that will encourage readers to Tweet, Like or give your post a +1 on Google! Read More
Ileane started her small business adventure two years ago when her daughter Nikki convinced her to start a blog. Since that time, Ileane hasn’t looked back. Read More
If you’re one of the millions of unemployed Americans returning to the workforce after an extended absence, importance of including volunteer experience on your resume can be the one thing that sets you apart from the competition.
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I’ve come across a few blog posts in the last couple of weeks where the blogger was recommending that site owners abandon their company site and move all their efforts into social media marketing, with their Facebook page taking the place of their site. I completely disagree with this recommendatio Read More
For all intensive purposes, the US space program is done and over. After 135 missions over 30 years, the last shuttle launched and landed this past July. Some blame the program’s slow demise on cost, others site lack of interest from both the public and corporations who could have helped shoulder t Read More
It’s great that businesses are starting to get that they need to be involved in social media, but in many cases they are still missing the point. Their main focus is on getting lots of fans and followers and they don’t even consider that it’s really about much more than that. They see it as a numbe Read More
Numbers (fans, followers etc) are by themselves a bad indicator of social media success. So when I came accross a small business called Oldfarm Pork really proving this point - I knew I had to share their story. Read More
Listing 10 major SEO Practices to avoid is an easy job when you have committed most of these SEO crimes personally. If you have been in this blogging game for as long as I have, I am almost sure you will notice a few of your search engine optimization sins listed here too. Read More
We all love a good disaster story, don't we? But how about a good social media disaster story? Social media can be wonderful but it can also go terribly wrong; whether it's Orangutans getting killed for chocolate or BMW crashing and burning on the Avenue, it's sure to create some negative publicity Read More

Build a Business Not a Job.

Avatar Posted by bplans under Startups
From 4779 days ago
Made Hot by: sannwood on August 31, 2011 5:32 pm
There is a difference between creating a job for yourself and starting a business. Do you know the difference? Read More

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