Clickfire voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Many industrial companies across the country, in all different types of industry, are actually seeing growth. A sign of economic recovery? Read More
Feeling burned out on social media? You’re not alone. While social media is a great tool for small business owners, the sheer volume of social media options and the time required to stay on top of your social media accounts can make even the most energetic entrepreneur want to say “Uncle.”
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The nature of a blog (be it business or personal) is inherently social. It is a place for you to express your opinions, share information, educate an audience, and build a brand. One of the most important features of a blog is the ability to connect with your target audience. This is done through b Read More
White hat SEO dictates that you take a blended approach to your link building. A diverse and consistent link building campaign demonstrates to the search engines your commitment to branding your site and building your online presence. It is important to make sure that your site isn’t flagged for tr Read More
Sometimes it’s fun to take a look back and remember the (not so?) good ole days. SEO is an industry that is changing all the time and if you don’t keep up you’ll get left behind. In the earlier days of SEO it was more about technology and it was the tech people/developers creating optimization stra Read More

The Dirty Truth About Working from Home

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Management
From 4780 days ago
Made Hot by: steeldawn on August 29, 2011 4:08 pm
Not everyone is cut out to work from home. Successful virtual workers are a strange breed of self-driven, organized, cost-conscious, and sometimes hermit-like people. Read More

How to Let the Press Know You Mean Business

Avatar Posted by CanadianFinance under Public Relations
From 4780 days ago
Made Hot by: ResumeBlog on August 31, 2011 8:04 pm
So you have a blog and you have a biz but sadly no press action? I am here today to share with you 5 extra fancy, yet easy, ways to let the press know you mean business. Read More
A lot has been going on in the past week or so in the internet marketing world. I originally wanted to write about a couple of new things in separate posts, but this way is faster and easier for everyone involved. Here are 6 new things you should be aware of. Read More
The Small Business Influencer Awards, for those who don’t know, is a recognition of people, organizations and companies with demonstrated commitment to serving North American small businesses. Read More
The answer to the Pizza Hut Facebook Page survey in question is too rude for me to write here. This is almost funny but it's NOT exactly hilarious for Pizza Hut! Social media sabotage and how to avoid it! Read More

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