Clickfire voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Has this ever happened to you? You decided to go to a new restaurant to eat dinner, but when you arrived at the establishment there were no cars (or very few cars) in the parking lot and so you changed your mind about going there. I know I have done this many times figuring that if there weren’t Read More
E-Commerce websites are different than informational websites. Therefore, the SEO process is slightly different, as well. Since e-commerce websites often have hundreds or thousands of pages, some e-commerce website owners don’t take the time to fully optimize the product pages. This is a mistake th Read More
A business blog can be a very useful tool in your online marketing arsenal. They are a great way to promote your business as an authority in the industry, start conversations with you consumer and other industry professionals, post company news and help with online branding and presence. Since a bu Read More
I‘ve been making a lot of changes to Traffic Generation Cafe lately – mostly behind the scenes. You may or may not have noticed, but I think it’s important to share what it is I’ve been doing around here, for what purpose, and whether it’s something you might consider doing on your blog as well. Read More
Go to most business-related sites and chances are you'll find a post or two about the qualities of a successful entrepreneur; you may even find a test to take. But are these lists really accurate or worthwhile? Read More
After about a week on Empire Avenue I had a face to face meeting with someone I had met there and the results of the meeting turned out to be quite amazing! Read More
The Internet has brought numerous wonders and has linked people across the world. One of the benefits that the World Wide Web has brought to its users, specifically business oriented people, is crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing is simply getting what you need from a pool of suppliers. Many crowdsourcing Read More
This past month, I've been asked to critique several online store websites and here are some of the common problems that I noticed. Read More

6 Things Social Media Can’t Do For You

Avatar Posted by JohnPaul under Social Media
From 4883 days ago
Made Hot by: maplesummit on May 19, 2011 2:53 pm
Social Media Can’t Save You We all know how great Social media for your business. I’m a big SM believer and.. Read More
The ten commandments of social media - top tips on how to use social media for business, including twitter, facebook and blogging. Read More

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