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A Spending Plan versus Budgeting

Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Finance
From 4875 days ago
Made Hot by: stillwagon428 on May 27, 2011 1:31 pm
While it doesn’t seem like there would be much of a difference between a budget and a spending plan, there are subtle differences that have a lot to do with your mind set. Does your business have a spending plan? Or a budget? Read More
Planning your efforts and focusing on what you really need throughout the hiring process will improve your chances of success. Here are some tips for hiring the right employee for your small business. Read More

How to Fire an Employee Legally

Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Human Resources
From 4876 days ago
Made Hot by: maplesummit on May 26, 2011 6:20 pm
Terminating someone’s job, requires a little compassion, finesse, and explanation. If you are ever called upon to tell someone they’ve lost a job, here are some things to consider. Read More

Entrepreneur Checklist: 5 Things to Do in June

Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Finance
From 4876 days ago
Made Hot by: sannwood on May 26, 2011 2:50 pm
If you are an entrepreneur, and you have been keeping your business going up until this point, it’s a great time to reflect on how things are going. As you get ready for the month of June, here are 5 things to add to your entrepreneur checklist. Read More
I watched a very interesting video on Tech Crunch TV the other day where venture capitalists David Lee and Ron Conway discuss some of the key attributes of their most successful portfolio company investments. Here's my take on their findings Read More

Deep Client Relationships Are Born in Fire

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 4876 days ago
Made Hot by: saraib820 on May 30, 2011 4:08 am
It isn’t being perfect that builds client relationships that stand the test of time. Passing through fire together is what forges the strong, lasting relationships. Read More

Post-Rapture Career Advice

Avatar Posted by ResumeBlog under Self-Development
From 4877 days ago
Made Hot by: saraib820 on May 30, 2011 4:09 am
There have been reports of Harold Camping’s more devout followers spending their life savings, selling their homes and even quitting their jobs. ResumeMag has a few pieces of advice for those followers who now have to put their careers and financial lives back together. Read More

Page load time - the online business killer

Avatar Posted by dodge28 under Marketing
From 4877 days ago
Made Hot by: sprint01 on May 25, 2011 4:56 pm
Page load time is one of the many factors that determine where in the SERPS (Search Engine Results Pages) Google places your site. What is your average page load time? If you don't know, then the chances are you are losing customers and revenue without even realizing it. Read More

How To Market The End Of The World

Avatar Posted by Entrepreneurosaurus under Marketing
From 4879 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on May 25, 2011 4:37 pm
Seth Godin is NOT advocating you marketing something as unproductive and scary as the end of the world. But there is something to be learned, he says, from the simple method used to convince a small, dedicated tribe that Judgment Day is coming. What do the iPad and the end of the world prediction h Read More
Friday, the sun is finally shining and I’m thinking that I’ve got more than enough on my “first of the year” long summer weekends….so here’s a roundup of the top outstanding items I’ve been looking at mentionning – and now am, eh!

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