Clickfire voted on the following stories on BizSugar

An interview with Firespring CEO Jay Wilkison about how he built their unique company culture and was named one of Inc. Magazine's 50 Top Small Company Workplaces Read More
#1. Have a chat. You start conversations all the time, Steelman says, so why clam up when the person is a potential customer? Simply talk about your products and services as you would to a good friend. Read More
The best social media branding comes when your content is “the hub and [feeds] into Twitter, Facebook, a blog, a video, a rich media banner.” They’re going to more and more websites each visit and they only come back when “you can make those hard facts and information entertaining in some way.” Read More

Nominate Small Business Influencers for 2011

Avatar Posted by Ileane under News
From 4864 days ago
Made Hot by: maplesummit on June 7, 2011 5:40 pm
Small Business Influencer 2011 honors companies, organizations and people who have made a significant impact on the North American small business market. In phase I, you nominate influencers. In Phases 2 and 3, you and an all-star judging panel will vote for the top 100. Read More
No time on the clock. All seems lost.

In business, as in sports, as long as you have enough left for one final push, the door to success and victory remains open! Read More
OK, so now Google has a button, Buffer, Facebook, Twitter, who next? What's the point and who will really benefit?? Read More
Food of a certain type is consumed by people of different faiths and belonging to different regions. Catering to these specific needs has indeed become a source of livelihood for many. Read More
For anyone starting a revolution, or a business, Twitter can be a success. For the rest of the world, it can be a waste of time that doesn’t get the message out to people they want to reach. And for some, it’s no more a bunch of nonsense limited to 140 characters—as this infographic shows. I’ll dis Read More
With the fierce competition in online business, an online business owner should accept credit card payments to attract more clients and increase the bottom line. Read More
Our monthly free directory list that was announced on DigitalPoint Forums. This time, there were 213 free web directories announced in May 2011. Read More

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