Clickfire voted on the following stories on BizSugar

When tenders are submitted for business, the focus is in the main on cost. But is the lowest price always the best option? Does anyone actually benefit in the longer term? Read More
As with most collaboration apps, Central Desktop is general-purpose tool, trying to pack in all the features that every organization needs. But what if it could be focused on a specific industry? SocialBridge is, essentially, Central Desktop built only for use by creative agencies.
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Those who do not work as employees with benefits don’t see the benefits that many workers take for granted. Before you decide that you would be better off on your own, consider the following financial perks that contractors can’t take for granted. Read More
Website Analysis plays a major role when it comes to analyzing your website for success. It not only tells you about the number of visitors coming to your site, it also tells you about where they are coming from, which part of your site is receiving the maximum traffic, what keywords are the users Read More
The new, free library called jQuery UI has been developed on the existing jQuery JavaScript framework and offers designers and website developers with awesome features which can aid in the creation of a new website. Read More

Bloggertone TV Meets The Queen Of Sales: Jill Konrath

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Sales
From 4892 days ago
Made Hot by: sprint01 on May 9, 2011 7:06 pm
Today’s Guest: Jill Konrath. She is an internationally-recognized author and popular speaker at annual sales meetings, kick-off events and professional conferences. Her newest book, SNAP SELLING, has already received rave reviews from industry leaders... Read More
After a prolonged era of diminishing marketing cuts, things are changing. Plus, Social Media spend is on the up and up! This may not be such a shock! Read all about it here, great news!! Read More
Great 5 minute video presentation from WordCampTv during WordCamp Seattle posted May 2011 featuring Howard Howell. Good advice here. Read More
Find out what Quora is, why its one of the hottest start-ups and how this social network can help your small business. Read More
Want to find out everything being said about your small business on Twitter? Here’s 3 easy steps to set up a listening post to find out. Read More

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