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The Law of Repulsion

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 4898 days ago
Made Hot by: shepherd on May 3, 2011 3:08 pm
I have no idea whether the law of attraction really works, but I know the law of repulsion works with a flawless and predictable certainty. Read More
Here are the leadership skills I immediately see were at play during this operation…the skills which helped the mission to be achieved, and as a leader, I strongly encourage you to study this mission and learn from the skills applied. Read More

10 Things to do Before You Start Your Business

Avatar Posted by alastair under Startups
From 4898 days ago
Made Hot by: Jed on May 3, 2011 5:56 pm
Nothing in life is guaranteed but as Benjamin Franklin famously said: "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." By doing some preparation before you start your business you can prepare to succeed instead. Here are 10 things you can do BEFORE you start your business.

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When you think of mobile shopping, do you think of tech-loving, gadget toting guys wielding their smartphones? Well, think again. Sure, techies are leading the first wave of mobile shoppers—but according to a new study by Arc Worldwide, the real future of mobile shopping lies in “light shoppers.”
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The reason this is so challenging for leaders at all levels of experience is due to the risk involved with letting go. Because, one of the cardinal rules of delegation is that even though you are letting go of the process of achieving a certain objective, you are not letting go of the responsibilit Read More
Despite the successes of humor in advertising, we don’t hear about implementing this strategy very much in internet marketing. If you’re not humorizing your blog or online business then you might be missing out on a load of unseen potential. Read More
Brutal Efficiency. A diabolical plan. Willing workers. Cooperation from Industry.

It WAS a BUSINESS! Read More
This week's Joanne Black discusses three specific myths that prevent sales people from closing more deals. Joanne looks at how to avoid trappings that can waste time and clog your funnel, costing you opportunities, time and money. Read More
As you prepare to move into the summer, and as the first half of the year heads closer to an end, here are a 4 items that you can accomplish in May to help you keep your business on the right track. Read More
As if the current job market and economy didn't make it hard enough for low income households in America to make ends meet, it turns out that living below the poverty line is actually more costly in many respects as well. Read More

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