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A Small Business Blogging Success Story

Avatar Posted by BusinessBloggerPro under Success Stories
From 4910 days ago
Made Hot by: Ruth Stone on April 23, 2011 3:24 pm
Think small business blogging won't work for you? Here is a case study of one small business, a Tipperary cycle shop, that has used blogging and social media successfully to promote products and even handle customer service issues. If you are looking for an example of blogging and social media succ Read More

The Dark Side of Being Self-Employed

Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Startups
From 4910 days ago
Made Hot by: maplesummit on April 21, 2011 4:45 pm
Being self-employed isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. There is a dark side to being unemployed. Make sure you know what you are getting into before you quit your day job. Read More

Even Bloggers Need a Strategic Business Plan

Avatar Posted by voodoosix under Online Marketing
From 4910 days ago
Made Hot by: stillwagon428 on April 21, 2011 2:03 pm
Bloggers face an issue when they transition their hobby blog from to business. Bloggers get tunnel vision – letting their one blog be their only money making source in their strategic “business” plan. Some bloggers do well by making money with one blog. But for most, they need to focus on several s Read More
I love social media. As a marketer, a business owner, and a consumer, I love that social media introduces me to the people I need to network with and introduce Read More
Social Media satire edition 6! Yes, another light hearted look at Social Media and how it's changing our world and the way we live. If you laugh, please share the laughter!! Read More
Using social media to engage with potential and current customers is all you hear about anymore. Doing it properly is not that hard—really! Just follow these five common-sense guidelines, and you can turn your social media networks into sales channels.
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Why Background Music Makes Your Website Suck

Avatar Posted by CIKMarketing under Online Marketing
From 4912 days ago
Made Hot by: jnelson on April 18, 2011 4:47 pm
Picture this: I’m merrily working away on my laptop at the library, filling some time in between meetings, when suddenly, without any warning, my computer speakers start blaring some cheesy eighties pop. Instinctively I check to see if I’ve triggered my iTunes, but wait… I don’t have any Cindy Laup Read More
YPS has a client south-O-the-border that provides a never-ending stream of insights along with new perspectives on proven best practices. Just last week, I watched an exchange between their sales leader and one of the top reps that hit me (and the rest of the group) right between the eyes. It pla Read More
Do you want to know about Bloggers tools and how to market your Blog?? It's not just a question of writing a few articles! Join communities, get marketing and get into the Blogosphere or you won't get read!! Read More
One of the consequences of the recent recession has been that layoffs have led to difficulties some have regarding paying bills. Other problems can arise for job hunters when bankruptcy, medical bills, out-of-control credit card debt and other unforeseen problems result in a less than desirable cre Read More

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