Clickfire voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Spreading Valuable Content on the World Wide Web is important for increasing traffic to your blog or website. I wanted to show you a marketing tactic that works for increasing traffic to your site. And its all FREE (I love FREE marketing. Don’t you?)! Read More
Tips to help you stay on top of online inquiries to your business, including a great tip to help deal with spammers. Read More

Write a blog post – get paid $1000

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Online Marketing
From 5010 days ago
Made Hot by: BIZvoter on January 11, 2011 6:40 am
The first-ever Personal Finance Guest Blogging Contest is open, with already almost $3000 in prizes. Your blog post could be worth $1000. Read More
Review of four online tools (mostly free) that can make your website or landing page more engaging, communicate branding messages more effectively, see how people interact with your content in social media and get feedback on usability. Read More

Top Eleven 2011 Trends for Entrepreneurs

Avatar Posted by CFOWISE under Management
From 5015 days ago
Made Hot by: Monsieur Eraser on January 11, 2011 8:07 am
As we launch into the new year, here are the top 11 trends that entrepreneurs need to be aware of, think about, and for which we should all prepare. Read More
If you startup is your dream, why would you want to think about an exit? It’s going to be so successful and so much fun that you don’t need to think about what comes after. Wrong. There are two very real and practical reasons why you need to plan an exit:

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Tips to Organize & Manage Your Documents and Email

Avatar Posted by keepupweb under Startups
From 5016 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on January 9, 2011 12:45 am
Tips on organizing and managing your email inbox and the files on your computer. First off, think of your computer as one big filing cabinet organized with “green hanging” folders and then “manila folders” inside each hanging folder. Read More
Yesterday, we briefly reviewed how testimonials, as an advertising tactic, can help a business. I described how Amazon, Ebay and Zappos built their entire businesses around the concept of customer testimonial in the form of a feedback. They hinge on testimonials to gain the confidence of customers. Read More

Interview with Brent Oxley, CEO of HostGator

Avatar Posted by clickfire under Success Stories
From 5016 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on January 7, 2011 9:24 pm
I scored an interview with one of my favorite entrepreneurs, Brent Oxley, CEO of HostGator. Brent who talks about his early days as an entrepreneur in the Web Hosting Industry and upcoming web hosting products. A lot of people don't realize that he went literally from dorm room to executive office Read More
You have no doubt gone through many personal and professional challenges in the year just gone by. The new year presents an opportunity to start afresh and make some key changes in your life that can potentially improve your life significantly. Read More

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