Crom84 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

"To the memory of a brave and chivalrous foe..."

I just can't get those crazy freaking words out of my head! Read More
The software that helped IBM's Watson computer reign victorious on the Jeopardy game show in February could also help the financial industry assess risk more effectively, a pair of IBM executives stated on Monday at a high-performance computing conference.

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Discusses visualizing a company's carbon footprint and identifying anomalies using current data visualization techniques.

Going "green" is increasingly becoming a focus for many businesses!

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There is currently a battle going on between small business and banks regarding debit/credit cards and swipe fees. Will Congress side with retailers or with debit and credit card companies? Read More
6 psychological reasons why some types of posts attract so much traffic, retweets and Facebook Shares Read More
I now know why it's taken the construction and property sectors so long to adopt Social Media marketing! They thought it was like IT!! Here's the whole story. Read More
This video is by William Laurent, who discusses successful planning techniques for BI (business intelligence) and data warehousing projects. Read More

Webex Review: Connecting, Communicating, Chatting

Webex Review: Connecting, Communicating, Chatting - Avatar Posted by clickfire under Products and Services
From 4825 days ago
Made Hot by: stillwagon428 on April 1, 2011 4:02 pm
So let me get this straight. GoToMeeting, considered by many to be the gold standard in the online conferencing world, charges you $49 per month for unlimited meeting sessions. Webex, a direct competitor, also charges $49 per month for unlimited meeting sessions.

Well, it looks like my job as a Read More
LinkedIn has recently provided new features on its professional business network and they're very, very good! If you have a business, you should be there! Check it out! Read More
The convergence of social media with BI puts another nail in the coffin of traditional Business Intelligence. Read More

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