Cyberrafting voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Getting a website off the ground is of highest necessity to solve the visibility puzzle. While every company is placing high importance to the online aspect of business, it is increasingly getting tougher and more competitive to get a new brand in front of as many eyes. Read More
A great website for an eCommerce business is similar to creating an online portal to a physical shop. Most of the sales target will be met with this online portal or a great website. However designing a website is more tougher than you might expect, which is why many companies hire web designers an Read More
Is it your wish that visitors get drawn to your website, find what they are looking for and stay on the website for as long as possible? If the visitors can stay on the website for longer and find what they are looking for, they will be able to engage with the business which will increase the reven Read More
From freelancers to small businesses helping companies create websites for themselves the conundrum continues. You have to consider the fact that dozen clients are required to be managed in the dozens by using your expertise in developing and maintaining websites. Read More
These are only misleading half-truths, but many entrepreneurs and search engine optimizers believe in them. For example, keyword stuffing won’t automatically lead you from being blacklisted by Google, and it’s debatable where the line between “keyword stuffing” and “keyword optimizing” even lies Read More
Most businesses still understand the importance of design in creating an effective marketing campaign. Most of their opinions are formed due to what appeals to them in web design. Read More
Google trusts a website when there are quality back links from reputed website back to the site. Building a solid reputation for your website is essential or Google will rank you lower than other websites in your domain. Read More
Search Engine Optimization is the thing of the present to drive meaningful traffic to your website. It is therefore the strongest form of marketing strategy out there due to the sheer volume of traffic that can be funneled to your site. While SEO is a guaranteed way to achieve marketing goals, the Read More
Although, cost is the main prerequisite to choosing hiring a Web Design Company; cutting down costs is not good when you want to reap the reward and gain better results. The question is how to calculate the cost while hiring an agency. Businesses need to conduct research on their areas of spending Read More
To succeed in this competitive market, it is the most important to have the best user experience for your customer and this should be the bottom line of the company. Marketing has seen a sea of change when it comes to the different options available to choose from with the power of social media and Read More

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