Cyberrafting voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you want your site to load with images, then you would want to condense your images. High-resolution photos can take up several megabytes of space all by themselves, and because the website will be viewed on a hand held device such as a laptop or mobile phone Read More

Most SEO experts will tell you that optimizing images is the key. It has been considered an important part of on-site optimization, especially if images are central to your SEO and content strategy.

But in the recent years it has been seen that website builder platforms such as WordPress hav Read More
It is important to know the facets of web design. We understand that you must have a need ready for such purposes but getting a web design company to create a website is of high importance as they can tackle any problem with the web design. Read More
Practice of web design is not as a simple task. From creating a customer-centric web design to understanding and handling analytics you need to do it all. Since websites are a portal of online presence for most business organizations, you need to ensure that your website presence is at a maximum to Read More
Keep in mind that technical aspects of SEO should not be overlooked such as Alt tags, URL headers, structures, etc. In fact the study from KissMetrics shows that job titles revealed that jobs with SEO titles averages more than $100,000 annually. Read More
Although yellow is the color of happiness, optimism, warmth and enlightenment, it also has some negative connotations such as the color of cowardice, illness, and madness along with betrayal. Read More
Appealing to the emotions of the audience is not something which is new and certainly something which marketers and branding experts will have plenty of experience and specialist knowledge about. But because the online world is getting saturated with content, it is highly important to cater to the Read More
Psychology Today has mentioned and studied the behavior of Generation Zers and Millenials and they found that they are more likely to express themselves through emoji format over typing their thoughts and feelings conventionally. What’s more is that using emojis to express themselves in a larger fa Read More
Think back to when domains started to be introduced in the market. Many smart people bought domains with seemingly simple ideas such as, These started selling for the huge amount of money when the internet caught on selling for millions and millions of dollars and transformed h Read More
When you need a website to be built within days because you don’t want to lose out to your competitors because of lack of resource, or not lose your customers because they can’t find you online, then a website builder is most useful because you don’t want to hear a web designer that the best he can Read More

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