Cyberrafting voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Web technology is always changing. Whether you are a programmer, a designer, a product owner, e-commerce Company or small business owners; here are certain web technologies trends to watch in the coming years to make sure you are ahead of these technologies. Read More
All of us have experienced what Bad SEO is. You probably have visited a website where there are key phrases filled into the header, footer, and body of the website along with other irrelevant content. These do nothing to help the visitor learn anything about the website and he leaves as he comes, c Read More
It is pretty much a common incidence nowadays with big productions, but if the card rolled out had a better layout in terms of typography then it would not have resulted in this goof-up and called the wrong winner. A lot of graphic designers have said that if the information was listed in typograph Read More
The data came from Stack Overflow website. “We looked at targeting options of employers on Stack Overflow Jobs that were used by at least 200 companies since the beginning of 2015,” the company said in a blog post today. “The fastest growing targets are ReactJS, Docker, Ansible, and Apache Spark, f Read More
Startups constantly worry about how to get their businesses visible to customers online. It is a sure fire starter to create content, place ads on social media and amplifying their message using Hootsuite, but it is hard to move customers if you do not know the full landscape of SEO and the full sc Read More
Most start-ups would agree that the designer is the most valuable asset they possess. And most of these start-ups would agree that they would like to hold on to these web designers as long as possible. What that means is that web designers handle everything in the development arena from coding info Read More
Experts are saying SEO is everything.. and social media and social everything is all that is required for companies. It is not the case and many companies are still hiring for SEO due to its apparent usefulness. Especially since Google hired an SEO consultant to help with their business and created Read More
Nowadays, businesses require the help of modern technology to convert visitors into customer especially since we are moving into the digital era. It has been seen that a huge range of services has been moved online, especially since this has resulted in businesses of all sizes to have a strong onli Read More
Most spilt link juice is generally seen in the SEO world, but this is something which happens commonly. As defined by a link juice in the SEO world that refers to the power or equity passed to a website via links from external or internal sources. This is the most powerful indicator of Read More
Getting all the valid information is important when deciding on a professional web design company which can help you gain the right edge over competitors in this competitive market. That is why we have decided to list 5 important facets to consider while choosing the right web design company. Read More

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