Cyberrafting voted on the following stories on BizSugar

SEO as a business practice has always been saturated by black-hat or unethical practitioners who look to amass questionable links. There as an ethical SEO analyst, I look at Google’s attempt to quell down such attempts by introducing its own Algorithms such as Panda and Penguin, to neutralize attem Read More
Small businesses are an important part of the economy. Every business tries to solve a problem and add value to the society. This is correct about small businesses as they try to provide a service or product that meets local needs and can fulfill requirements for larger businesses. Read More
Your website may run like the wind and may be slick, beautiful and have great user experience, but this means nothing unless you have a strong approach to search engine optimization (SEO), as it will be virtually useless, as no one will be able to find it. Read More
The internet is a resource whose fashion is always changing. What was considered hot at one time is no longer hot and what was rising is now falling. For that reason, we at the start of 2017 want to know where we can go to get the latest tips and news about the latest web development and design blo Read More
In the next twelve months, Google will be applying updates to their mobile-first indexing methods and then making it their primary algorithm for search engine results. The short version is that if your brand isn’t presenting well on mobile devices, your SEO campaign is hobbled. Read More
CodeIgniter is a popular framework which has become the staple for many web developers and proficient programmers. In this article we talk about what makes CodeIgniter a more popular framework than other PHP frameworks. We talk about how CodeIgniter simplifies and benefits web programming and devel Read More
SEO is a game that is ever changing even in the year 2017. Search Engine Optimizers need to stay ahead of the game at all times given the unpredictability of Google updates. As we start off 2017, it is time to examine the trends and put an SEO plan in place for the next 12 months. Here are some gam Read More
There are two important considerations which a site owner must think about when developing a website, to choose the right platform and to choose the right developer for it. Whether you are creating a new business or revamping your business for more sales, these decisions are some of the most import Read More
The field of SEO is fast changing and evolving. In 2017, many new techniques are going to be introduced for this year, and the problem is that most developers do not even know about new search engine demands. Below, you will see five tips on how to stay ahead of the competition in 2017. Read More
The good thing is that Content is still king, and hence it is seen that most visitors still look for content over flash. They want to learn more about your company, the product, and services you offer before they contact you. Content and education-based marketing has become the norm now and are ess Read More

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