Cyberrafting voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you want your blog to become popular and reach a greater audience, it has to rank on search engine results page of search engines. This is what SEO is all about, so here are five tips for creating the most SEO friendly blog posts you can. Read More
Search Engine Optimization or SEO as it’s called is an integral part of all businesses. Be it a start-up or an established player, SEO is the tool which can increase the visitor traffic to the website by hundreds and thousands of visits every day. Read More
In software Applications, it is seen that there is a portion of the program which is in the front end, while most of the application is present in the back-end, creating an iceberg effect. This is known as Back-End Development. The part of the application which relates to direct interaction with t Read More
Internet Marketers and SEO Experts know that SEO is a living thing, and there are constant changes made to the search engine’s algorithm which they need to stay on top of. Optimizing a website for SEO is not just a one-time deal, but is a continual process that requires a lot of hard work and creat Read More
The last few years we saw a large number of new ideas and technology trends; with major browsers offering support for HTML5 and CSS3 standard, as well as a faster JavaScript engine. The difference with web industry trends is that they don’t last that long and new concepts get introduced each year a Read More
We depend on old school technology but when it comes to the future of your startup it is important that you stay updated with techniques which are sure to work. Ranking algorithm for SEO is continuously updated by search engine in an attempt to provide relevant results to user queries. Read More
What is better an app or website? Web designers have struggled with this question. While it can be tough to choose between the two, both mediums are used to convey information and promote brands. A major difference between the two is that websites and apps are developed using two different mediums Read More
We all want an SEO friendly site for our business. But, it is far too easy to publish a new blog post and be off to the next thing on your to do list. This will end up hurting your SEO efforts in the long run. In this article we talk about certain tools and techniques which you must use to boost y Read More
With its focus about a decade ago as a marketing discipline, SEO has generally had a tactical focus. The specific tactics used to gain links, mentions, rankings, traffic and other KPIs are amazingly interesting subjects in their own right. Read More
Work in small portion of time, for example 10 minutes everyday which help boost your SEO campaign.People say that they are too busy for SEO, they do not have the time to keep SEO functioning and think it is not on their highest priority. Read More

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