Cyberrafting voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Front end developers are given the responsibility to create and develop everything which will be seen by the users of the site and interact with. This is including creating interfaces and bringing to life that are engaging and aesthetically pleasing to viewers. It also means that if a user interfac Read More
It is imperative that SEO Campaign increases the traffic on your website. But, there are certain cases where there is a lot of traffic but there is no conversion on the website. Conversion can be anything from sales conversion to the sign-up for your email newsletter conversion and everything in be Read More
An integral part of Keyword Strategy is to know which target keywords to concentrate on. With information you can optimize your research and campaigns to ensure that you’re ranking for the right keywords on SERPs. But how do clients measure the success for your keyword strategy? One way is to provi Read More
If you visit a website on a device other than your laptop, and it shows a screen which is fitted to the website and requires little help in navigation of the website, even if you access the website on a tablet or mobile phone, then it is a responsive website. Websites which follow this norm require Read More
With the advent of mobile browsing and the introduction of many cool, new design themes such as parallax scrolling, the web has seen millions of websites receive facelifts over the past few years. But, irrespective of that, we have seen many bad design decisions being made which stopped consumers f Read More
If you are a casual football fan, and see that your team in languishing in the bottom three positions for this year, you would think that it has something to do with how the team is being run by the coach or lack of talent. But, if you are an analyst or a diehard fan, you would know that the team i Read More
When we concentrate on web design, we look at the design elements and branding best practices. While these two parts of web design is important to the look and feel of the website, it is important to take a high level, strategic look at the web design to understand the approach to be taken. In this Read More
If you are struggling to get online visitors to come to your website or you’re simply looking to improve your SEO efforts, then organic traffic is known to be one of the best ways to grab profitable visitors. When customers search on online medium and land on your website, they are most likely to c Read More
SEO requires a strong foundation, to know where to build, what to build and how to build it. SEO is all about starting on the right foot with the right foundation, and it is this foundation which is made of keywords.
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A dilemma faced by every designer, one which makes him either concentrate on the looks and user experience or solely on SEO. Mostly, a very rich animated design adversely affects a website’s search engine optimization. It is a common mistake to think that the more grandiose the visual appearance of Read More

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